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Hello from Colorado!


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I just joined today, though I have been checking this site out for some time. I live in Colorado, USA, and am just getting back into astrophotography. I started in the 90's taking wide field astrophotos with my Pentax 6x7 on top of my Losmandy GM100. I lived in Arizona then, which is a really nice spot for astrophotography. I let the hobby lapse for a number of years until I started seeing what people were doing with DSLRs and bought a Canon 60D, and later had it modified.

Now I have a little Borg 77, with mini guidescope for my main set up. I also own an older Astro-Physics 102mm f/8 refractor that I'd like to start using again, though the original reducer/corrector that I bought for it back in the 90's is definitely not good enough for digital imaging.

I attached a photo from 1995 of the Hale-Bopp comet when it was still quitepost-48412-0-16689600-1450146278_thumb.j small. It's in the upper middle of the photo. Pentax 6x7 105mm lens

You guys have a great site here, with lots of helpful advice.


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Wow excellent capture there seems to be a lot going on there aswell as the comet

Hi welcome to SGL from Pete in Bedfordshire   :smiley: magnificent image!

Welcome, Peter. You're clearly an accomplished astrophotographer already and likely to be an asset to the forum.

Hi Peter and welcome to SGL.... What a cracking image, I look forward to seeing more great images from you.... No pressure :D

Thanks for the kind words!

This hobby has come so far from when I started, and the internet has really opened it up as well. It's nice to get the perspective of european astrophotographers on both equipment and techniques. I'm looking forward to buying a new mount (long overdue), and getting back into the game.

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Now that is a shot to be proud of! Nice work psledlie. Do you have any others?

Welcome to SGL btw.


Thanks;  that shot was back in my old film days. There were some aspects of medium format film I enjoyed, but my DSLR beats the 'ol Pentax hands down! I had fun photographing the lunar eciipse from last year.

What area of the UK is considered the best spot for astrophotography? Forgive my ignorance, as I've never been there. I'm assuming that the weather conditions are better in the south? I've noticed a lot of people have backyard observatories. Needless to say, for us, anywhere in the deserts of the southwest US is where you want to be. I do miss living in Arizona. 

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Cool, I observed the eclipse visually  :bino1:  (I got a day off work the next day!) 

In the UK, towns and cities are quite close together making light pollution difficult to avoid. That said, there are good places to go especially in the national parks. You are right about the south having a milder climate (with more clear nights) but I find the best skies are in Scotland. On clear winter nights, north west Scotland is about the darkest place in Europe!


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