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Astronomy New Year - Resolutions?


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Hello everyone!

As it is the summer solstice, it will soon be the start of a new season of stargazing, so I thought it would be appropriate to start the new year of astronomy with some resolutions!

My personal one is to complete my set of planets that I've photographed with my DMK - just Mercury and Neptune left. I also want to improve my deep-sky photography.

Anyone else got any ideas?


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Just to 'keep on truckin' getting out there as much as poss by whatever means possible, mainly and preferably to dark sky sites. Therefore my resolution will be to maintain a SQM log at varied dark sky locations and to sample some new locations that I have so far not got around to. I would also like to keep a simple A5 ring binder sketch pad log of my sessions in the manner that some members on here do, to include perhaps thumb nail sketches and of course SQM log readings taken through the session.

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Haha interesting take on the 'New Year'!

1. Start travelling to darker sites within a ~15min drive - I'm too attached to my back garden!

2. Go to my 1st ever Star Party - Skelligs mid August

3. Join the Cork Astro Club - have been meaning to for years...


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My new year resolution was to give up smoking. Finally managed to quit at the beginning of Feb. What's that got to do with astronomy? Well - it means I've saved enough to buy three more used Ethos's. :)

(Yes - I was smoking that heavily lol)

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My new year resolution was to give up smoking. Finally managed to quit at the beginning of Feb. What's that got to do with astronomy? Well - it means I've saved enough to buy three more used Ethos's. :)

(Yes - I was smoking that heavily lol)

I've bought quite a bit of my kit due to my escape from the evil weed :). which brings me back to the thread... to get out there and use it to it's full potential, or at least as best my limitations will allow. well done you Kim :D

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Not long had my new starter 114eq.... Got new lenses in, got meself a 2x, 3x and 5x barlow, got me a decent eq5 stand and a decent red dot finder and a couple of neb filters.....

New astro year resolution? Step 1 find elephant trunk nebula, step 2, capture it.

Baby steps.

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To stop buying kit.....

More realistically, to use my larger scopes more often, and to get to dark sites a couple of times this year.

To start solar sketching again.

Finally, to have a good trawl around Sagittarius on hols this year.

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Have a few for this year. Putting them down on the interweb so I can laugh at them this time next year.

- Take my first spectroscopic image and process it to get a calibrated spectrum.

- Get a working imaging rig created for my local Astro society and get other people using it

- Get better, give back.

Also there is a sense of taking stock and remembering to enjoy it!

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To stop fretting about a couple of miniscule black specks on primary mirror.. may require councilling for this but will try and make it on my own...

To purchase the necessary kit to get Pleiades in FOV of my 12" F10 SCT

To be quieter when packing down at 3 in morning

To pour redbull rather than milk on breakfast cereal at 7am after getting into bed 3 hours previous so I don't collapse at work.

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