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Saturn 08 May


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Thank you all for your lovely comments and feedback , really brings a smile to my face :) 

For those who asked for detail about the capture & processing : 

Equipment : 

* 5" scope (celestron 130 SLT)

* ASI 120 MC cam 

* x2 Barlow by celestron 

* T-adapter used as extension tube 

Location : 

* Israel (center) , Saturn goes up to about 35 degrees at the moment. 

Capture & Process : 

* Captured 3 AVI's each shot for 11,000 frames (around 300 seconds) 

* Stacked 50% of frames in AS!2 

* Wavelength in Registax 6 

* Derotation of 3 stacked & processed images in Winjupos 

- Bottom line : Don't be afraid to shoot long AVI'S on Saturn especially with small aperture's , getting storm detail with small scopes is nearly impossible so you might as well capture more data and get more ring detail and overall a sharper image.

Hope this helps :) 


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* Derotation of 3 stacked & processed images in Winjupos 

Fabulous picture and useful to have the capture details. I was hoping to turn my attention to Saturn and if I get even close to your pic I'll pleased.

Interesting about WinJUPOS. Couple of quick questions if you dont mind: -

did WinJUPOS make much difference?

did you derotate 3 single images, or the AVI streams?

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Thank you all for your lovely comments and feedback , really brings a smile to my face :) 


For those who asked for detail about the capture & processing : 


Equipment : 

* 5" scope (celestron 130 SLT)

* ASI 120 MC cam 

* x2 Barlow by celestron 

* T-adapter used as extension tube 


Location : 

* Israel (center) , Saturn goes up to about 35 degrees at the moment. 


Capture & Process : 

* Captured 3 AVI's each shot for 11,000 frames (around 300 seconds) 

* Stacked 50% of frames in AS!2 

* Wavelength in Registax 6 

* Derotation of 3 stacked & processed images in Winjupos 


- Bottom line : Don't be afraid to shoot long AVI'S on Saturn especially with small aperture's , getting storm detail with small scopes is nearly impossible so you might as well capture more data and get more ring detail and overall a sharper image.


Hope this helps :) 


Thanks for the detail Dan :) I use an ASI120MC and I was of the understanding that derotating colour images in winjupos did not show much benefit. Did you take the three images and combine them together to get the final image?

I would be very interested to know your derotation workflow process in winjupos. If you had time, if you could PM me details on how you did this I would be most grateful as I have tried it in winjupos and never had very good results.

Congrats again on a real fantastic image :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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@Tommowhawk & @Cartman161

Regarding Winjupos , in all honesty derotating the 3 images hardly made any difference i did it because capturing Saturn is a new thing for me (this is my third capture ever) and other then the number of frames captured i basically mimicked the way i process Jupiter. 
Derotation on Jupiter works great as it greatly reveals more belt detail even when using small apertures  ,though doubtful i thought  i might get some extra detail  on Saturn as well but all it did is very slightly sharpened the rings. 
oh and i derotated the 3 single images not the AVI's.

Sorry i couldn't be any help in this regard :) 

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How the hell ?!?!?!?! :Envy:  :Envy:  :Envy:

I'm beginning to think imaging is like the "X factor" you either got the talent as you clearly have with that image or your like me who should keep my singing to the shower.

Superb image Dan !!

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