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Hello there from a new member.


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I've had a Skywatcher 200P for about a year and used it at home and also in the dark sky park in Galloway Forest. I am enjoying myself enormously and have taken some nice pictures of Jupiter and the 4  inner moons. Just literally two hours ago got a Synscan Pro goto upgrade for my EQ5 mount and am just slowly assembling it with the aid of YouTube. During the video there a few references to the Star gazers lounge so `i thought  I'd log on to have a look. Anyone else done this? instructions with the pack are negligible, but YouTube has come to the rescue here.I bought this from First Light Optics and it arrived within 3 days, great service!

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Hi and welcome to SGL - If you have a specific question it may be better answered in the main part of the forum - many folks don't look in the welcome section. Glad you found us, I'm sure folks will be able to help.

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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Hi Opusdei and welcome to SGL. I've not done that mod I'm afraid, I'll leave that for those who don't have 10 thumbs :). Have a gander at the diy section and no doubt there will be someone who's done it.

Best of luck and clear skies.

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O'Siyo (Cherokee greeting), Opusdei, and welcome! Youtube is a good resource for DIY. Post your inquiry to the specific forum on here and I'm sure you'll find someone who has done that modification.

Astronomical evenings,


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Hi and welcome to the forum. I see you have already been seduced by the imaging bug (...normally termed the 'dark side' :grin:) so look forward to see your next images posted up on the forum here.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay.

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Hi Opusdie and welcome to SGL, many external paths can lead you to this forum, which is a veritable library of information and help, for both newcomers and experienced Astronomers alike. Seek out the various sections and post for solutions to whatever problem you may have, enjoy :)

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