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The "No EQ" DSO Challenge!


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the LP round here isn't too bad, but it does get noticeable in the images. I used an Astronomic CLS filter, on the ST80 to cut out the LP. It did a great job. I was also using a SemiAPO filter to cut out a lot of the CA that the ST80 suffers from, thus the images look less blue than you'd expect from an unmodified dSLR. My M45 image with this setup really didn't work very well because of that filter... it cut most of the reflection nebula. 

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lovely pics, what AZ mount did you use for these?

All done with one of these

Celestron Nexstar 102SLT

I put tube rings on the OTA to help get the balance point with the camera attached, but the mount is straight out of the box.  Yes, you have to throw some subs away, and binning up the final image is usually a good idea, but it still gives a half decent picture if you get enough total exposure time.


Edited by dph1nm
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This is my weapon of choice. Nexstar 6SE, with Canon 600D & 18-200mm lens, on piggyback mount.

Used this to get the M31 image I posted earlier in the thread (also the last clear night I've had)

It was the first time I'd used the piggy back, but as the image showed, it worked fine.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Really impressed with these shots.

What has previously put me off imaging was the complexity of it all and the huge investment in time and money. Not that I'm saying the above shots are easy or that you are going to see me posting pics of DSOs but it something to think over.

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  • 2 months later...

Quick M31 tonight.

DSLR piggy backed on Nexstar 6SE.

Nice image... I've been linked this thread as, like you, I refuse to spend the money to change my nexstar 8 mount, so seeing these are very reassuring.

Just a quick question, what ep size did you use on this pic?


34 x 30sec subs, no darks, 20 bias (was intending to to 100 subs, but battery ran out - school boy error!)

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Takes time and patience, but there is no reason why a smaller budget can't get anyone an opportunity to take some images. I've since sold my 200px and "upgrades" to an AVX mount nt and 100ED. It'll be interesting to see if I get as good results.

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nexstar6 se, canon 1100d, 358subs 15s cant remember how many darks or bias but no flats, iso 3200


332 subs 15s  cant remember how many darks or bias, no flats, iso 3200

15s subs cant remeber the details on this 1


and my attempt at m31, same kit but with added FR , 133 subs 20s, darks bias and flats this time, iso 1600



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Subs are individual photos

FR is focal reducer

As for darks bias n flats u would be better off searching this forum and google they are very well covered and will give a better explanation than me ( I'm still pretty much a newb still myself)

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