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Hello from Seattle

Joel Shepherd

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Last winter we had some very clear nights in Seattle and I thought it'd be fun to have a telescope and see what there is to see. This spring I got a 6-inch reflector and have been having fun since. Still learning the ropes: which constellations are which, what's in and near each one, and so on.

We have a tiny back yard about a mile from downtown Seattle, so light pollution is a challenge. My best achievement so far is M57 (Ring Nebula) in Lyra. Any suggestions for other deep-sky objects that might be viewable with a smaller scope in a "dark challenged" environment would be welcome!

Looking forward to learning lots more!

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Hi Joel welcome to the lounge,

Light pollution is one of the frustrations of this hobby, but there is a great deal 

to see even in the summer months, Lyra is part of the summer triangle which is

full of good targets, I live near Liverpool and L P can be a problem, but I can still

enjoy a great deal of the night sky, once you know your limitations. 

http://www.constellation-guide.com/summer-triangle/ , also the higher to the zenith 

you observe the darker the sky.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Thanks for the warm welcomes. :-)

ronl, I coincidentally glommed on to the term "summer triangle" last night (hadn't heard of it before), enjoyed a decent view of Alberio and may have seen at least the brighter stars in M29. Constantly amazed at the ability of the scope to gather light from things I'd have no hope seeing otherwise.

Thanks again -- Joel.

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