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I was given the following by my neighbor,Tasco Novice 60 mm,telescope with tripod ,a Tasco1.5x erecting eyepiece,tasco 2.3 x Barlow lens,an H12.5 mm eyepiece,an HM 25 mm eyepiece an SR 4 mm eyepiece,a lens filter and  12 mm,6mm eyepieces. Also a Vivitar 50x/100x refractor telescope.I'm about as green as can be to this hobby but I am interested in learning how to make the best use of this gift.

So any advise would be appreciated.


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Hi welcome to the lounge,

and welcome to this great hobby, a very nice gift, it will give you an insight 

to the night sky, as the others have said, start with the Moon as it's an easy 

target, and it will help you to get used to your new kit. Have fun and enjoy!

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Hi Jacinto & Welcome to SGL.  If you are not familiar with the night sky, you can download various Apps for your phone, showing the sky at night.  If you have a laptop download Stellarium it's a free tool www.stellarium.org.  - type in your location it will give you information on the position of planets, stars etc.   Enjoy your viewing.

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