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hi all ,im 38 (ouch) and live in n Devon ,about 1 mile from the sea . i moved from outskirts of London 10 years ago (better way of life for the kids) . ive always been abit off a stargazer , ive read a couple of patrick moore books (legend) ,and finally decided to purchase a proper telescope in the next couple of months ,its a toss up between cpc 8 gps / celestron 8 on equatorial mount goto ,ive been lurking about since christmas ,still not decided ,when i do first light optics will be the first to know ,i know barnstaple has a astronomical society so if any members read this can you let me know anything about them .I bought some 10x50s so ive been trying to find my way around ,i also downloaded sterrilium (that cant be spelt right) which has helped massively .speak to you all soon. :D

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Hi Lewis

Welcome to SGL. Both telescopes that you're considering are good choices. Depends on issues such as portability and the ease of doing astrophotography. I'm not an imager, so can't comment much on the last point, although I don know that you'll need to pay most attention to the quality of the mount, if that is your ambition.

Cheers, Martin

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Welcome to the SGL Forum Lewis. You will certainly enjoy being a member of the best Astro club there is.

Take your time over the telescope buy. Have a good think about what areas of astronomy appeals to you the most.

There are general purpose telescopes that will do well on most things, and there are others that specialize a bit more.

Also, I like to tell prospective buyers not to neglect the second hand market. There are some very good bargains to be picked up.

Always ask on here for advice and opinion before you commit to spending your money.

Ron. :D

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