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Plato and Vallis Alpes II


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yes its the straightline of small craters, it looks like a lump of rock bounced a good few times, but i dont see how an object could really bounce with near zero gravity

It might be nothing more than a random clustering of craters. Or caused by a stream of impactors; either a single object ripped apart by tidal forces, or a group of objects that were gravitationally bound before they intersected the Moon.

<edit> Found this on Wikipedia:


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Good find, i was thinking of catena davy, but its the wrong location, a few years ago some one imaged it and posted on here

here it is 


sorry for highjacking the thread a little

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It really is very difficult sometimes to say whether certain formations are a straight or Catena is a random grouping. I myself have made ​​some photos of places and suggested that certain alignments could be a Catena. But to confirm the finding is a long way. 

Below a photo of Catena Davy cited by Jules.


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Across Ptolemaeus there are what seems to be a really Catena. In principle suggested the name Catena Muller. I have already put the issue on LPOD but as yet not reached a conclusion. 

Catena, catenae (Chain of Craters) - 

Name adopted by U.A.I. to designate a chain of craters on the surface of the moon or a planet. They are the result of the rebound material, and ejects the impact that formed the main crater. The cadeida crater Davy is one of the most spectacular crater chains on the Moon, spans about 50 km away from the edge of the old crater Davy Y 

Other chains of craters are: Catena Abulfeda; Catena Humboldt; Catena Krafft; Catena Littrow; Catena Sylvester; Catena Taruntius; Catena Timocharis.


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Not at Jules, I thank you for giving personal attention to my post! If you need photo of some specific place for any review or for any service just ask, send to anyone you want because I really photographic material on the Moon that is my specialty.

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Your imaging work it top class, thank you for the kind offer, Lunar imaging is also my preferred area, but i rarely get a chance to do this. I was using the |A-focal method for a long time, and now i use DSLR, but my work is not any thing like as good as yours

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Hello Jules! 

I did many lunar photos for about 2 years in the afocal method using a generic camera Fuji Fine Pix 12 Mb in a Newton GSO 12 "dobsoniana assembly. Makes about a year and a half I have to Qhy 5L II for this type of photo and the gain was simply outstanding. using a German equatorial about a year ago has greatly improved the outcome too. Now from the acquisition of C14 Edge with CGE Pro I intend to take a new step in terms of quality but at this time the year the polar and subtropical jet is a constant in the region where I live in southern Brazil. DSRL are very good for DSOs, but a dedicated camera with small pixels is formidable to the moon and planets!

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Hello Jules! 
I did many lunar photos for about 2 years in the afocal method using a generic camera Fuji Fine Pix 12 Mb in a Newton GSO 12 "dobsoniana assembly. Makes about a year and a half I have to Qhy 5L II for this type of photo and the gain was simply outstanding. using a German equatorial about a year ago has greatly improved the outcome too. Now from the acquisition of C14 Edge with CGE Pro I intend to take a new step in terms of quality but at this time the year the polar and subtropical jet is a constant in the region where I live in southern Brazil. DSRL are very good for DSOs, but a dedicated camera with small pixels is formidable to the moon and planets!

Avani, i would be interested in seeing some of you A-focal images, i have done some high res shots using a philips webcam and plan on doing some more this year, if i ever get time!

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Really Michael, this excess brightness in some places could be easily eliminated by using some post-processing programs. However in lunar images I try to simplify as much using the fewest possible programs, tamto that neither am using Registax for processing. Currently use only the AS! 2, Photofiltre and Irfan, I'm afraid to use other programs and end up losing track of where you should get!

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