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Hi from Wolverhampton, UK


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Hi everyone. :smiley:  Amateur photographer looking to move over to the dark side of astro. Totally new to astronomy, but have been browsing here for a couple of weeks now and the posts here are really helping me wade through the ever-growing list of questions I am constantly adding to! Can't wait to get more involved. Let's hope the weather gets better!!! :clouds2:

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Hi and welcome to SGL - If you are looking at getting into imaging, but specifically DSO's, then can I suggest that you get a copy of 'Making Every Photon Count' available from the book section of the FLO site. It really is something of an imagers bible and you should read it through twice or even thrice before buying a single thing for imaging specifically.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Wow, you guys respond quickly! :smiley:  Thanks for all the good wishes. I've already bought and nearly finished 'Making every photon count' and I also found a great book on DVD - 'A Beginner's Guide to DSLR Astrophotography' by Jerry Lodriguss. Both these books are packed with useful info and advice. As a keen photographer I have numerous books on the subject so I already have a good working knowledge of the principles, but none pay much attention to AP, in particular the stacking process, subtracting dark frames, etc. I have to admit I'm a bit of a sponge for technical stuff; love learning new things and I think I could have a lot of fun with this.

I already own 2 EOS 40D cameras and various lenses - 10-22, 24-70, 70-200 and x1.4 and x2 converters, to name but a few, and a good semi-pro Manfrotto tripod, so I think I'll go the normal route of seeing what I can achieve with these as I continue my research. My initial thoughts are to buy an EQ3-2 Mount so I can track with my camera and get into some longer exposure and stacking images. It's also reasonably portable. Then I was going to go for a medium spec 70 or 80mm refractor as the EQ3-2 should be able to handle both the scope and the camera and I could start experimenting with piggybacking and guiding. Then upgrade to an EQ6 and a nice 100mm ish triplet refractor using the original scope as a guide. From there, who knows????? Maybe a nice big Newtonian after I win the lottery!!! :laugh:

I need to get down to Aston Uni in Birmingham soon and join their Society. Any of their members on here??

Any pointers would be most appreciated.

So much to learn - so little time :grin:

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