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Hello from Stockholm, Sweden.


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Been loving space ever since I was a kid. Was even planning to study it. But in the end I had to be realistic. The job prospects here in Sweden weren't good at all and in the end I ended up with Computer Engineering instead. I'm on my 3rd year now and even though I like it, astronomy/space is still something that I'll place above everything else. It has now been I don't know, maybe 15 years since this interest started and I've recently managed to get enough money to get some decent gear. 

Bought a 200p Skywatcher not long ago with the NEQ-5 mount. Soon I ordered the motors and just recently PMd TCWORLD and ordered an AstroEQ unit. Feels like it's quite an expensive hobby, haha. 

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Hi Swebonny and welcome to SGL, yes Astronomy can addictive and run away with your money, if you let it. Especially if you go over to the dark side ( AP ) not only will you not have any pennies but you are likely to lose your pockets as well :D but you will enjoy it :)

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Thanks guys :D

Hi Swebonny and welcome to SGL, yes Astronomy can addictive and run away with your money, if you let it. Especially if you go over to the dark side ( AP ) not only will you not have any pennies but you are likely to lose your pockets as well :D but you will enjoy it :)

Speaking of AP, I forgot to mention that I also got a T-ring and adapter for an old Nikon D60 DLSR that I've had for a while. Been trying to get a few easier shots, but with not so good results, but I hope I'll improve the more I try. Haha and I shall hold onto my pockets for as long as I can. 

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