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What to name your planet

Jay Wheat

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I've been visiting your lovely little world for a little while now and even know the scientific name is Terra Firma I find many of you refer to your planet as Earth or in my language (dirt) is there a reason for that or do you want Dirt in the header for your galactic address? We call it Cesil Prime 811 G, sub cluster of the Eragonly galactic super cluster. Now doesn't that Have a much better ring to it. I can't wait for you guys to finally get the intergalactic web, it makes your Google look like scratching on a rock with a stick. Well nice to meet you are things any questions send them to my alter ego Darth Skorn and have a lovely cycle.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk

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Hi Jay

Nothing wrong with 'Dirt'. It just so happens that it appears to be one of the rarest substances in the universe, and we happen to have quite a bit of it :)  Of cors, being meer humans we like to try and hide it with concrete and tarmac.

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Hi and welcome. It's quite nice here, I think you'd like it. We may appear primitive, but we're very keen and willing to learn.

Hope your skies (or equivalent) are clear

Good luck


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