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Hello from cloudy Gloucestershire!


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Hi All

Complete newby to stargazing, but something that I have been interested in for a long time, but just never got around too (which is pathetic really). I've even bought scopes for other people as presents, but never my own. I did get one back when it was broken (problems with the mount and stabilisation) and had a play with the kids, and we enjoyed looking at the moon, but it was impractical for anything else.

So walking through town last week, Jessops had a nice Skywatcher Explorer 130 in the window for £140 and that got me interested again. Since I hit 40 I am starting to think more and more like "stuff it" - I could be hit by a bus tomorrow, so why the hell not....and it is something the kids are interested in to....so why not bite the bullet and get a scope. It will be for viewing in the back garden and, once we are used to it, maybe out into the Cotswold hilltops!

Despite my flippancy, the budget is modest, but have been looking at:

  • Skywatcher Explorer 130 - £139 at Jessops or £135 at FLO (confusingly, Jessops have it at £99 on their website for store delivery!)
  • Skywatcher Explorer 130p (EQ-2) - £165 at FLO
  • Skywatcher Skyhawk 1145p - £120 at FLO

So just reading around some stuff and seeing what i can find out about them - although it seems the latter two will be great ways to get into this hobby!

Been looking around for a couple of hours and already learned a load, so looks like a great forum!

Other than that, I'm hitting middle-age, work for the NHS, married with two daughters....kind of normal I think! I'm also a part-time screenwriter as I am mildly obsessed with film and, fittingly, 2001: A Space Odyssey is my favourite. I also moderate on a screenwriting forum, so appreciate all the hard work that goes into running a discussion forum, so thanks in advance for all your help!

Looking forward to reading more.



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 I could be hit by a bus tomorrow, so why the hell not....and it is something the kids are interested in to....so why not bite the bullet and get a scope.

Welcome Mark, 100% agree with you, if you have an interest and means to follow it, do so, far better to say "I tried it and didn't like it" than to say "I never got the chance". Unfortunately I am a bit too new to give scope purchasing advice on a budget but I do sincerely hope you get something that gives you and family some great views :)

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Hi Mark and welcome to SGL, before you come to any decision, perhaps a little more research through the forum may be of benefit. Larger aperture scopes would have, in most cases, precedent over their smaller cousins. Just remember dealing with the likes of Jessops, although a reputable retailer, they possibly may not be able to provide helpful advice, or the after sales service, to those Astronomical outlets who deal solely in such matters, such as FLO and many others :)

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Wow, thanks everyone, very grateful for the warm welcomes!

And thanks for the advice John. Certainly need to have a good read, but also get very itchy when I set my mind to something! :grin:

Perhaps I will go and post a newby question and then go and do some more reading!

Thanks again everyone - and I might need to get some experience before I am confident enough to join a local group, but now I know where to go!



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I bought the Explorer 130M a few weeks ago and very pleased with it for the money I paid (second hand). Good views of Jupiter and the moon so far and probably more than I expected.

The 'm' version has a battery powered motor which works well and the batteries last a good while - think this would be a useful addition. Think you can buy a motor fro the 130p but not sure how much and how easy to install. The motor is obviously designed to track the object to save you following after it.



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