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Highest useful mag on the moon?


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Last night I was looking at an almost full moon through my CPC1100 and wondered what the highest magnification I could get to and still be able to make out the features relatively clearly. The combination of a 10mm EP + 2.25x barlow + 2x barlow gave me 1260x magnification and I could still make out the features, albeit that the crispness of some of the edges had been lost.

I did this with the limited collection I own and realise that the combination of so many pieces of glass would not be a positive thing. But it does leave me wondering whether or not a very high-powered EP and a good quality, high-powered Barlow are worthwile investments for those interested in close-ups of our nearest celestial neighbour.

How high do you go when viewing the moon?

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It is quite surprising how much magnification the moon can soak up, Like John I rarely go above 500 x as all starts to get a bit wobbly :smiley: and you need quite a good focuser. I prefer between 250 & 300 x for the most part.

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Don't think I can compete with all these figures. I have the stock 10mm which gives 65x and just bought an 8mm to give 81.25x so with my barlows I will manage 162.5x. I'm just hoping for some clear skies tonight (which here up north is still not looking great) as I haven't even put the new 8mm in the scope since it was delivered earlier this week.

With my budget scope it will be interesting to see how it copes with the 8mm in a barlows.

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In my 8" dob with an 11mm ES82 and 2x barlow I've been using approx 218x on the moon. So I've been thinking about this myself wondering how high I can go on the moon. My next step will be getting eyepieces around the 7-9 range for planetary to barlow for the moon to get a range of very high mags to give more options at the high end for when things get wobbly. (thinking of the 6.7mm ES82 with 2x  barlow to give approx 360x as the highest I would want to go on the moon ). Then to maybe upgrade the barlow depending on results. I suppose in the end a lot depends on local conditions rather than max mag for the scope and the only way to really see how high I would be able to go would be to give it a try and see how things go.  I'll be sure to post on here to say how I get on. :smiley:

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..... I suppose in the end a lot depends on local conditions rather than max mag for the scope and the only way to really see how high I would be able to go would be to give it a try and see how things go. .... 

Absolutely right, you have to be guided by the conditions that pertain but it's nice to have some options to "push the envelope" when the seeing is good  :smiley:

I guess this is where an eyepiece such as the Nagler 3mm - 6mm zoom comes into play. You can instantly switch between a range of high magnifications to see what's good right then. 

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I guess this is where an eyepiece such as the Nagler 3mm - 6mm zoom comes into play. You can instantly switch between a range of high magnifications to see what's good right then. 

Indeed it is John, I use it to go up to 400x with my 10" dob, when conditions allow. I find you can push the magnification much more for the Moon than Jupiter or Saturn.

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Absolutely right, you have to be guided by the conditions that pertain but it's nice to have some options to "push the envelope" when the seeing is good  :smiley:

I guess this is where an eyepiece such as the Nagler 3mm - 6mm zoom comes into play. You can instantly switch between a range of high magnifications to see what's good right then. 

Totally agree there John the best views I have had with both of my scopes are from the Nagler 3-6 zoom. I will give it a go tonight on the craterlets :smiley:

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That was like an echo :grin:  :grin:

That came two minutes later :rolleyes::D.

Don't think I can compete with all these figures. I have the stock 10mm which gives 65x and just bought an 8mm to give 81.25x so with my barlows I will manage 162.5x. I'm just hoping for some clear skies tonight (which here up north is still not looking great) as I haven't even put the new 8mm in the scope since it was delivered earlier this week.

With my budget scope it will be interesting to see how it copes with the 8mm in a barlows.

They are only figures at the end of the day, it's best not to worry and just enjoy observing - after all who wants a hobby that is worrying or stressful? :)

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They are only figures at the end of the day, it's best not to worry and just enjoy observing - after all who wants a hobby that is worrying or stressful? :)

I don't worry, just quite amazed the mag a lot of people use.

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Agree with the above any thing over x500 and you may get it focused but zoooooooom it's shot past that quick pointless but the 1000 plus must be mad what's the max mag of a 11 "


Focal length of the CPC is 2800mm, so a 10mm EP on a 2.25x Barlow on a 2x Balrow got me to 1260x mag (assuming I have figured out the maths correctly!)

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I am waiting for something mysterious to happen called clear skies! Once these ancient conditions return that a sothsayer called the weatherman has assured us surely will I am hoping to map the mare frigoris, it was given as an area to explore in jans s@n and does look really interesting. I aim to really crank it up and I think a barlowed 7 will take me up to 430x, lookingvforward it

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I am sure I had a five in my 12" dob at M13 recently (before Christmas) and the views were pretty good. Achieved good focus and lots of detail although seem to remember the conditions were quite settled so no doubt that helped. I guess at planetary stuff though (Jupiter/Saturn) you start to notice the fuzzy edges more at higher magnification as usually at 200 that's it unless conditions are bob on. Anyway, off on a tangent there, back to the moon  :grin:

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The combination of a 10mm EP + 2.25x barlow + 2x barlow gave me 1260x magnification and I could still make out the features, albeit that the crispness of some of the edges had been lost.

Nearly choked on me coffee reading that....x1260......nice effort!

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