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A quick hello from me


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Hi, I thought I'd like to say hello and thank the many friendly and knowledgeable people who have posted the countless posts I've read over the last few weeks and months, as always with stargazing each answer seems to raise more questions and I now have so many questions I don't know where to start.

Having taken delivery of a Skywatcher 200p EQ5 with Goto only a few days ago it seems climate change has finally happened and Scotland may never again see clear skies. I did manage to get it outside for an hour or so between clouds the first night and got what felt like a melted retna from looking at the near full moon (although well worth it) and I managed to see the beauty of Jupiter and 4 of its moons. I have to say I was blown away by the sight and just can't wait until I can observe it again. I'm sure the frustration of knowing it's up there behind all those clouds will be offset by the excitement of the first clear and frosty night.

The scope wasn't properly set up on it's mount and there was quite a lot of mist coming off the nearby fields so I imagine there will still be more to see on a good night as I learn more about using my scope and observing techniques.

Does a bright moon affect the view of Jupiter? I am aware it affects DSO's and stars. I could make out 2 dark bands across the planet and one of the moons coming from just behind or in front of the planet.

Does anyone have tips for seeing the most detail in the planets, should I think about buying an 8mm eye piece or something (the Skywatcher came with a 10mm, a 25mm and a 2x Barlow) and what should I look at for the best quality, should I judge it by price alone or brand or is there anything else I should consider?

I will also buy myself a moon filter, again is there anything I should consider and would any of them also help my viewing of the brighter planets?

Is Saturn visible later in the night just now and is there a good website or magazine to let me know what the current and upcoming highlights are in the night sky? I hear Saturn will be in it's closest position to us in a few months as will Mars.

Anyway, I'm off again to twitch the curtains and see if there's any chance of me getting out to play tonight.


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Hi, welcome to SGL :)

I'd probably want a 6mm eyepiece if it were me. Other tips would include making sure the scope is cooled down before starting observing and checking collimation. During observing patience is a virtue - you need to wait for those feeting moments of good seeing when detail will pop out at you.

I've never bothered with filters. I like things bright and clear :)

As for the weather... it's just the way it is... ;)

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Thanks everybody for the warm welcome.

The sky did clear tonight and I've been outside tweaking and viewing and generally messing with the scope. I've now got to the point where condensation seems to be spoiling my evening. It has been raining today and the ground (and air) is full of moisture. I think it's mainly on the eye pieces. Is there much I can do to help this, I obviously don't want to wipe anything.

I'm finding Jupiters moons pretty fascinating, can't believe the speed they move at

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