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Hi all , my name is Danny and I live in Lincoln UK.

I'm completely new to astronomy , but have always been fascinated by it. I've been into photography for a few years now , mainy automotive and still life , and hopefully I will be combining the 2 as soon as I can get my head around everything. I have been researching scopes for a few months now and decided to take the plunge a few weeks ago and bought myself a skywatcher 130m.

I've only used it once so far , and was pleasantly surprised with what I could see , Including Jupiter and it's 4 moons. Very exciting stuff and I can't wait until we get some more clear skies. Although looking outside now , it could be a while.

Well i'm sure i'll be asking quite a few questions over the coming months , and i'm really looking forward to getting more involved in my new hobby.

Cheers all


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Welcome to SGL Danny. You mention that you want to combine your photography and astronomy? Sounds logical ..... think again!!! Do you think that you interest would be Deep sky or planetary? I ask as they require very different setups. If you think that DSO's will be your bag then hop over to the book section on the FLO website and order a copy of 'Making Every Photon Count' - It really is an imagers bible and it should be compulsory reading ...... twice at least!!!

There's a few imagers knocking about - Have a look in the imaging section and pick some images that you'd like to aspire to, then look at the kit they use - That will give you a starting point. Above all, be realistic in what you think you can achieve.

Hope that helps. Look forward to seeing you about :smiley:

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Thanks for the welcome everyone. I must admit, I don't often like using forums, but this does seem like a friendly one.

Hopefully I'll one day get into all areas of astro photography, but I'm a big believer in learning to walk before you run. So I guess I'll start with the easier subjects first like the moon, and once I'm confident at getting consistent results and I'm used to the different software etc, I'll probably move on to planets. I know my equipment probably isn't best suited for DSO's just yet, but one day I'd like to be able to capture some fantastic images of them as I've seen on here.

I don't seem to see much on here about eyepiece projection. Is it not very popular?


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