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Vicki Harrison

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Hello. I am relatively new to this, I have always enjoyed astronomy and looking at stars, it all started 12 years ago watching some meteors I lay the for hours taking it all in, loving seeing, and letting my mind take over, asking questions like what else is out there that we cant see when we look up. I then being 15 took my gcse exams and found I excelled in the subject. My love stuck to reading books and looking at images online. I read up the history of the apollo missions the more I learned the more I loved. My friend then told me to get a telescope and take up my passion. My parents refused to buy me one ; ( in college and my early career I ended up in faults for telecoms then moved my way up to engineer level. My husband found my passion for stars and space interesting and got into it with me. This year for xmas he bought me my first telescope a sky watcher 130 with a 2x barlow 25 mm and a 10 mm lens being really excited we set it up and couldnt see a single thing. I was devastated. 4 hours of playing and focusing on things during the day paid off. Second night 30 minutes of checking it was set properly I caught sight of jupiter and its 4 moons ;) feeding my passion. I have a long way to go, but will learn all it takes, eventually getting into photography and using web cams :)

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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hi vicki and welcome, i would recommend down loading stellarium which is a free  download planaterium system this will help you round the sky, also turn left at orion which is a brilliant book. ask away if your not sure about anything else

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Welcome to SGL

If you don't already have it you may find the book "Turn Left at Orion" a useful introduction to what there is to see at different times of the year and to navigating your way around the sky.


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Hi Vicki and welcome to the forum. You may feel you have a long way to go but you will be surprised how quickly you will pick things up. Remember there are no daft questions that you can ask on here (...I should know as I have asked most of them :grin: ) as we are all here to learn from each other. Just pop a question in the relevant section and you will always get a response.

Clear skies and enjoy the forum


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Welcome Vicki, sounds like you are on your way.  Good to see four Moons with Jupiter. On Xmas day there were 3 and today only 2!  It's like a little miracle right in front of your eyes.  I got lost in M45 The pleiades tonight as M42 was blocked by net doors gazebo for New Years Party!  Happy days. 

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