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Another new one here, from Cologne, Germany


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Hello everybody,

just a couple of days ago I discovered this nice forum and would like to join you. My name is Karel, am living in Cologne, Germany (Europe :-). I am 40 and keen on cosmology and astronomy since I was a kid. As a gift to my big birthday I wished to get a dobsonian reflector. In the last weeks I refined the requirements on the future telescope and decided to go for a motorized 8" Skywatcher. The GoTo were too expensive for me, and fortunately I could find a used one with encoders+motors and a "dumb" hand controller (no GoTo) that only tracks the set object. My plan now is to start viewing and at the same time replace the hand controller with Stellarium. As I am electronics engineer, I hope to have fun also with the scope control unit :-)


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