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Hello StargazersLounge!


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Hello to everyone on StargazersLounge, me (Harvey) and my brother Toby have been stargazing for a year or two now but have never really got into it untill this year.(It took us a while to learn how to navigate through the sky) We have a pair of

Celestron 20x80 binos which are amazing because we see everything :D

We also have a Meade etx 90 that our dad gave to us for a birthday present and that is also great, we can see the rings on Saturn and the belt on Jupiter.

When there is clear skies we walk about 1/4 of a mile to a little woodland area that seems to have fairly dark skies due to no street lights :)

Also we can't wait untill christmas because we are getting a Skywatcher 200P eq5 and im sure we will be amazed by the lunar surface, planets and all of the great views that our skies have to offer! (Can't wait to see Andromeda)

So hopefully the StargazersLounge Forum keep us amazed at all the wonderful things in the night sky and what people share here!

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Hi to both of you, and welcome to the lounge,

S G L is a great forum to learn, hope you enjoy your time here,

the 200p is a very good scope, you will have wonderful views with

it, bet you can't wait to use it, and I hope the weather is kind to you both.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Welcome to SGL :)

The SW 200P is a fantastic scope and will give you some fantastic views!  The stock eyepieces you get arnt too bad and with the 10mm and the x2 Barlow the detail on the moon is fantastic and will give you some great views of jupiter.

Sadly you wont be lugging that a qaurter of a mile on foot lol!  Its a little heavy even between 2 people.

See you around.


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Welcome to You both Harvey and Toby,  I get out into the New forest,  If you want some good places to go ask me and i'll let you know and maybe  we could meet up with you guys sometime in the near future :smiley: .  

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