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DIY Bahtinov Mask


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Decided to have a go at a Bahtinov Mask today. I used the generator at http://astrojargon.net/maskgenerator.aspx to create an image which I printed on a laser printer. This was then taped to a piece of thick black card and the slots carefully cut out using a scalpel. I left some tabs of card around the edge. I then took a strip of black card and joined the ends so it fitted around the end of the scope. The front was then attached via the tabs and it was all taped up with black insulation tape.

No stars out tonight to test it on so had to make do with a distant street light. Not ideal but it shows the principal. Very happy with this simple tool and can't wait to try it out for real.

The mask front cut-out with tabs around the edge




In focus


Out of focus


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone has tried printing the Bahtinov pattern onto clear actetate sheet using a laser printer? I know the acetate is not exactly an optical flat but perhaps the resulting image would be good enough. I would try it myself but unfortunately don't own a laser printer, I tried on an inkjet with woeful result :)


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