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Lazy Susan Dobsonian Mount

Mandy D

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Thank you John and Spile. So I cleaned up the base - reassembled - but still too stiff for me - To quantify the problem I have tried to measure the force needed to move it using the scales I use for luggage. It takes 1.5kg of force to start the 200p turning - of course that ends up with a jerk. My SW Heritage 150 moves at 0.7kg.  So some of the issue may just be me having to adjust to a much heavier scope. But I will try the milk carton washers and report back.

OK So following John's advice, I made two milk bottle washers and fitted one above and one below the central teflon washer. Now using my luggage scales the 200p begins to move with just 250 to 300g of force. Thats a massive improvement from the 1500g before and twice as good as my heritage 150. So I will might to do the same mod to that scope as well.


EDIT - I finally got to use the scope a couple of nights ago and it was super smooth with no judder. So I strongly recommend the milk bottle washers.

Thank you  








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27 minutes ago, Spile said:

Thanks both. I’ve not noticed too much friction but your washer tweak appeals. I know that some folk have placed a CD or LP between the two parts to reduce friction.

I tried a couple of CD's initially (replacing the supplied teflon washer) but that did not seem to help. 

At least experimenting with this sort of thing is relatively cheap compared with some modifications !

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