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Hi all,

I’m from London but currently based overseas in south Asia for the next several months. Looking to experience as much as I can of observing conditions/objects over in this part of world before heading back home.

I've brought an Astromaster 76 EQ over with me from England, and have set it up, but have yet to use it.

I'm a complete newbie, and read recently that the best way to start in astronomy is to actually just use your eyes or a decent pair of binoculars to learn the sky. So thats what I’ve been doing in the last couple of weeks or so.

I was also pointed towards a book called Turn Left At Orion so I’ll be getting onto that next with my telescope. I’m also thinking of keeping an astronomy diary or logbook of some sort, so i’ll probably keep everyone updated with that too.

Looking forward to joining in the discussions and learning from everyone here!

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Welcome to SGL - Glad that you found us. I think a diary is probably a really good thing to keep, it will keep track of your observations for your own information as well as giving you some comparisons with different conditions etc.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Thanks to all for the warm welcome, especially Swag72 and Zuben Elgenubl for their insights.

The book I mentioned is actually quite readable for a newcomer. Highly recommended!

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