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Hello from London


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Just thought I'd introduce myself.

So... I've always been interested in nature, studied physics back in the day, and have recently, in the last three years, found amateur astronomy as a fantastic way to spend time.

I've been around the other American site :) for a couple of years, and thought it about time I joined in here with other people in the UK.

My recent interest in all things astornomy started when my parents sweetly gave me a Tasco reflector for Christmas, which they'd found in a charity shop. Well, as a thirty-something more used to getting socks or maybe a jumper if I'm lucky, this was the best present I'd got for years! Exhilarated by the discovery of the night sky with that humble and magnificent scope on its wobbly equatorial mount, I went on a bit of a gearhead spree, and got a couple of refractors (5" then 3"), another reflector (11") and some binoculars from 25mm to 120mm. Now I just enjoy looking up, with eyes or whatever instrument fits the situation, and am interested in making some equipment myself for the fun of it.

I enjoy visual observing, bright things from the London light bubble, and when I'm with family in rural Norfolk, whatever I can find. I haven't yet tried photography (nothing more than with a DSLR on a fixed tripod), or solar observing, and probably won't just yet. Plenty of other things just to look at first :)

My user name comes from another passion of mine, getting out and about in an old 80s campervan.

So that's me, now to get involved in some discussions with like-minded people.

Clear skies!


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Hi John and welcome to the forum. Any ideas regarding imaging or the "dark art" will require some careful planning, much reading and a nice deep wallet!  :grin: Steve Richards' book "Making Every Photon Count" is certainly worth investing in as it is a comprehensive read on astrophotography and will provide you with the necessary overview should you eventually head off in that direction. I too have to contend with light pollution as many of us living in cities do but at least you have your visits to Norfolk to be able to see what you've been missing - dark skies make all the difference! 

Wishing you clear skies and hope you enjoy the forum


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Hi John and welcome to SGL, it may be worth your while, if you can organise a visit to Regents Park, where you will meet up with the Baker Street Irregulars, who hold  observing sessions there on a regular basis :) 

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Well, I'm blown away by the welcome. Just logged back in to the forum (not having received any email updates I was expecting if anyone replied) and saw all these kind messages. Thanks, everyone. I'm enjoying looking throught all the forums.

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Hi John and welcome to SGL, it may be worth your while, if you can organise a visit to Regents Park, where you will meet up with the Baker Street Irregulars, who hold  observing sessions there on a regular basis :)

Hi John

I've been along the their meetings in Regent's Park a few times. They're an excellent group. Also went along to their Autumn star party in the Brecon Beacons just over a year ago. I'd highly recommend that to anyone. Great skies, nice location.

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