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Picked up a used Explore Scientific ED152CF f/8 APO...

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I found a used ED152CF 2 months ago at a reasonable price and could not pass it up.   Made an offer and it was accepted, then we each drove half way, to make the exchange.   I currently have a Celestron AVX mount that I have tried it on and it seems to be okay for visual use.   I did a quick star test the first time out and the airy disc an collimation seemed to be spot on.    I've gone through the sky tour list with it on the AVX and was very impressed using a TV 6mm Delos e.p. and seeing DSO's like... M92, M31, M57 and M13.   What struck me, was in M57, I could actually discern the shades of luminosity in the ring.... and in M31, I could make out at least one dust lane across the core.   My 100mm cannot do this.   The OTA by itself is about 21 lbs.   It has dual opposed 14" Losmandy D dovetails.   I figure fully loaded with DSLR, AG and stuff, it will come in around 30lbs.   The 3" Feather Touch focuser this scope comes with is very, very nice. 

I plan to eventually upgrade to a used AP900 or 1100 or maybe a new Mach 1 mount.... or if possibly a Software Bisque Paramount MX, if I could swing it.

Here it is on the AVX mount and you can see how it dwarfs the mount.... but it seems happy for visual use.


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I appreciate all the interest!   Thanks!

The kit was only in use for only 9 months and in flawless condition.   The original owner is an astro-photographer and decided for his work, he needed more than the 1216mm focal length that this scope provided.   I met him in person, since we were only about 400 miles apart and I could tell he was having trouble parting with this scope.   He produced some really fine images with it.   Normally, this scope, with all the accoutrements, is sold at $6000.00 usd.   I offered a fair price for it, based on its condition and age, which was a very substantial discount over new and we were both happy with the deal.

This scope tests out at a Strehl Ratio of 0.96.   P-V = 0.119 and the rms = 0.027

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I appreciate all the interest!   Thanks!

The kit was only in use for only 9 months and in flawless condition.   The original owner is an astro-photographer and decided for his work, he needed more than the 1216mm focal length that this scope provided.   I met him in person, since we were only about 400 miles apart ....

This scope tests out at a Strehl Ratio of 0.96.   P-V = 0.119 and the rms = 0.027

I love that bit it so highlights the difference between britain and the usa. 400 mles is the other side of the country for me and far too far to be considered close. Perhaps that attitude is one of the reasons the usa went to the moon and we gave up on our space programme

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I love that bit it so highlights the difference between britain and the usa. 400 mles is the other side of the country for me and far too far to be considered close. Perhaps that attitude is one of the reasons the usa went to the moon and we gave up on our space programme

It's all relative to what we're used to.    We met each other half way and it was all motorway.   2.5 hrs each way, for each of us.   Not a huge penalty to transact on a scope like this and additionally, not subject it to abusive shipping by a carrier.

By the way, I've been to the UK 10 times since 1992.   One of our factories was in Great Yarmouth.   So, I used to land at Gatwick, take BR out to Norwich and stay at the Lord Nelson hotel.   I always laugh about the first time there.... flew over on Saturday, arrived Sunday morning and wanted to stay up and adjust to the time zone.   So, I decided to go find a pub and sample the local Ales.   They were all shut!   I was depressed.   I had to stay awake 3 or 4 more hours until they opened again.    I believe that was the trip that while we were in flight, the some well known group blew up a lorry in downtown London business district.   Victoria Station was in chaos and several train stations nearby were shutdown.   I had to taxi out far enough away, to catch a train to Norwich.    When not staying at the Lord Nelson, I've also stayed at the Imperial Hotel in Yarmouth.

I've also stayed in London, spent time in the Midlands near Lincoln, then out to Bristol, over to Wales and I've stayed in Dublin.   I've always really enjoyed my time there.

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What a lovely telescope! I can see why you went for it! You mentioned the improvement over your 100mm - may I ask what sort of scope that was? I certainlly can see more (in the right conditions) with my 150mm f10 (achro) over my 100mm f10 :-).

I love how M13 looks through the 150mm 'frac  - a real "oh my gad, its full of stars" moment! Wishing you much many more fun nights with your new acquisition!

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Mark,   Thanks!   I have an older Orion Sky View Pro 100ED.   I believe it was made by GSO and it has the FPL53 glass.   It actually works very well.   This is the one I am trying to find the right, lightweight mount for to make it a grab-n-go.

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Nice looking scopes, both of them  :smiley:

The Orion ED100 is the same as the Skywatcher ED100, made by Synta. It's doublet with an ED element made of oHara FPL-53 glass. 

The ES 152 looks great but I agree that it would benefit from a heavier duty mount in due course. 

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Nice looking scopes, both of them  :smiley:

The Orion ED100 is the same as the Skywatcher ED100, made by Synta. It's doublet with an ED element made of oHara FPL-53 glass. 

The ES 152 looks great but I agree that it would benefit from a heavier duty mount in due course. 

Right!   my faulty recollection.   Synta made these available about 10 yrs ago and turned the Apo world on its collective ear.

Re: the 152 mount...

Been researching this... been looking at the G11, all the way through the Paramount.   I live about 50 miles from Astro-Physics, I might have to mosey on over there and look in person.

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Update:  I've located a mint, used AP900 GTO mount 40 miles from me.   Going to check it out this weekend.   This would be the perfect match to the ED152CF and a great setup for DSLR astrophotography I plan to do.   Fingers crossed that this works out.

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