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Hello from a new old timer in South Dakota.


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A little over 40 years ago I gotten a tasco 3 in reflector. Basically it was junk, but I loved that scope, it could magically take me away to the few beautiful colorful places I could see.
I know I messed up the colemenation on the poor scope so bad, and blistered the eye piece looking at the sun during a solar eclipse in the 60's, then I grew up and always wanted to get back to it, but children, 9 years in the military and life had me going at a pace that at times I thought that maybe a telescope was needed to find me.
recently that to advancing age, and a general slowing down I am trying to get back into it.
40 years ago we didn't have laptops, we actually had to sit there with star charts.
and the telescope I had I worshiped which seems funny now.
Very recently bought a Celestron 127EQ which is a good scope and I instantly using my skill as a bench tech converted a web cam to the telescope to provide me pictures of the Moon, it was slightly out of focus, and while I was making sure of the setting on the software the moon keep trying to run out of the FOV, so really the experience consisted of some old guy running back and forth between scope and laptop.
It did mange to generate about 2:21 minutes of decent video but for me to see that image on the laptop screen was great. Now keep in mind that I hadn't even aligned the finder scope, the EQ mount, etc. I just jammed the web tube into the eyepiece and went for it. Was like a kid again. I did manage to chase down Jupiter with this unaligned mess which at time looked like a pro wrestling match. I saw the disk and several moons and stared at them in wonder, I wanted to try the webcam on them however at that point I had the eq mount so tweaked I am amazed it didn't toss me on the ground. So I sit and waiting a little more stable weather to set it all up again. I have aligned the EQ mount pretty much and now that makes more sense, and already started shopping for a bigger DOB, kind of leaning towards the Zhumell Z10 over the Orion xt10. So any guidance on any of it would be very welcomed. Primary uses will be gazing, webcam astrophotgraphy, of planets and some deep sky objects, but I won't limit myself here as to what I may discover.

 Now what attrcted me here is the thought proces that we cn built it and  it will work, since most of my work will be outside I look forward to learning from,you all so thanks for having me.

I am a bench Tech for a computer shop here so Any questions about computers I will do my best to help.

I also recently purchaded a celestron Powerseeker 127mm and soon will purchase a 10"DOB.

Thanks again.




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Hi and welcome to the forum. I see you have already been seduced by the "dark art" and you have certainly come to right place if you wish to develop your skills further. There are some pretty good imagers on here who are more than welcome to assist you further as and when you need the help so don't hesitate to ask questions!

Clear skies and enjoy the forum


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Hi mate and welcome :)

If your looking at getting a Reflector you might want to check out this blog http://astrocasto.blogspot.co.uk/search?updated-min=2013-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&updated-max=2014-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results=38  This will give you an idea of what you can acheive with an 8inch reflector.  Namely the Skywatcher 200p.  You can pick uo the 200p ona dobsonian mount for pretty cheap brand new.

Either way you go mate welcome again and good luck with this amazing hooby!

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wow what a great welcome, and thanks to all, and love the DIY section, and going through reading threads from all areas. Nice place and thanks for making me feel welcomed.

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