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Any ISON updates?


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One thing confusing me is that I understood comet tails should point away from the sun, but ISON's is clearly just trailing behind. What am I missing?

Hope there is enough of it left to see something at least, been great fun watching it happen.


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One thing confusing me is that I understood comet tails should point away from the sun, but ISON's is clearly just trailing behind. What am I missing?

Hope there is enough of it left to see something at least, been great fun watching it happen.


The nucleus has gone and we are seeing the reminents of cometary debris that are continuing in orbit.

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To misquote Mark Twain - "Rumours of my death were slightly exaggerated." I guess we can forget about the possibility of a naked-eye comet but I hope there is enough left to provide the imagers with a target.

The post-mortem will be interesting, it looks like it broke up before reaching perihelion. I wonder what the explanation is for the lazarus fragment?

The comments on that video are a real treat.

I don't know whether to find the level of ignorance entertaining or terrifying.

I've been making a conscious effort to ignore the comments sections on the various ISON articles. There is nothing wrong with ignorance, it's our default position, the number of things I'm ignorant of... well I'm ignorant of that too. But when people have absolutely no idea of their level of ignorance it all gets a bit painful.

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