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Hi Steve welcome to the lounge,

there are lot's of scopes to consider, so take your time,

ask lot's of questions and decide what you will be using

it for, planets DSO's imaging or will it be for general observing,

there is a lot to take into account before you take the plunge.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's 

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Nice of you to join us here on SGL  Steve. Retirement always seems an exciting new era, and it is, eventually,

but it takes a while to acclimatise, and Astronomy will help.

Of course, If you're a married guy, then the good lady will ensure you are kept busy,

so much so, you will wonder how you ever had time to go to work in the first place  :grin:.

Anyway, you will find some wonderful people on this forum, who give you all the help and Information you will need

to pursue your "new way of life"  a term I prefer to use, rather than Hobby  :smiley:.


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Welcome to SGL Steve and congrats on your retirement!! What direction are you planning on taking with your astronomy? Visual or imaging? I ask 'or' as of course you can do both!! ..... but the scope best for visual for one isn't the best for the imaging!

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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