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Salutations SGL! from a newbie

Iced Earth

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Hello everyone at SGL!

I'm a complete newbie to stargazing and excited to have found this forum, look forward to learning from all you gurus here!

I decided to purchase some 10x50 bins and a Planisphere to get me going.

My username is the name a rock band I enjoy listening to :)

All the best, Patrick

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Hi Patrick and welcome to SGL,

The planisphere and bins will provide an excellent start and help you get orientated, best of luck with starting out and don't hesitate to ask - there's plenty to learn, but some great support and advice herein.

Clear skies - Jake

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Thank you all for the very warm welcome :)

Had a moment of madness at 1am this morning, finally noticed some clear skies and headed off to the beach which is a stones throw from my flat.. wow!!! is all I can say :) I was observing around Orion and think I spotted M42, I was pretty gobsmacked at what I could see through my binos. I returned home at 3.15 am, I'm normally sound asleep at this time but i was buzzing!

Also been out this evening and am slowly learning to navigate my around, pretty sure I got my first glimpse of Jupiter around 9pm this evening and also some of it's satellites, and possibly M31 although it looked a bit smudgy.

Visited the local library today and picked up a few books that I will work through.. so much to learn!

Take care folks, Patrick

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