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I have been interested in astronomy all my life but have moved more into imaging (deep sky, planetary, and solar) during the past few years.  I live and work in the Houston, Texas area but have a house and observatory in the mountains of southern New Mexico (7150' elevation).  There, I have a roll-off with a permanent Astro Physics 1200GTO mount where I am able to observe and image with several scopes including a William Optics 132mm FLT f/7, AT10RCF, Obsession 15" dob with servocat, and a Lunt LS80mm DS solar scope.  I also have some Oberwerk 20x80 and Fujinon 10x70 binoculars for pure visual pleasure.  My current cameras include SBIG STT8300M (deep sky), Mallincam Xtreme (general and monitor viewing), Point Grey Grasshopper 3.0 (solar), Imaging Source DMK41 (solar) and DBK21 (planetary), and a Canon 60Da (general).  Here is a link to some of my more recent imaging attempts, mostly solar.  I hope to trade information and stories as well as learn a lot from members here in the future.



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Hi Robert and welcome to the forum. As others have said above, you've got some great images there and I look forward to viewing your latest images as they come in!

Clear skies and hope you enjoy participating in the forum.


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