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Old Dog, New Tricks!


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Hi everybody  :smiley:

I have been keen on astronomy since I was a small boy and have always had a telescope in the house ready for the occasional clear night we get in the UK.

I also have a great passion for photography and wanted to expand and combine this interest with the world of astrophotography.  

So I have taken the plunge and started putting a bit of gear together to get me started and while I am not total green when it comes to either subject, I am sure I will have plenty of issues to overcome that I haven't even considered!   



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Hi and welcome to the forum. I would certainly recommend that you get a copy of Steve Rochards', "Making Every Photon Count" if you haven't done so already as it is a very comprehensive guide on what kit you will need to get if you want to take good consistent images. 

Clear skies in the meantime and also look forward to seeing some of those images.


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Hi Scubi and welcome along from me (another old dog learning!).

Steve Richard's book gets the thumbs up from me to - though my copy is starting to look a little frayed around the edges.    Plenty of excellent advice and some incredible images to inspire posted regularly here, though be warned this is a relatively expensive path both from financial and time perspective.    Though if you have some reasonable photographic gear you might be off to a flying start.    Definitely worth checking out your local astro club to see some of the kit/techniques being used and talk with some of the AP'ers.

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Thank you for the warm welcome and the advice.  Steve Richards' book sounds like something I will need and will definitely add it to the Christmas wish list.  




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Welcome to SGL Chris. You have come to the right place that's for sure!!

The book already mentioned really should be added to your Christmas list and hold off buying anything until you have read it from cover to cover twice!! It really does prevent you making costly mistakes and buying things that just aren't up to the job.

AP is a tricky game. There's many excellent imagers on here, so take a look around the imaging section and people generally put their kit with the images. That way you can get an idea of what is used. Be warned though, some people's kit is the price of a car ..... or more!!!!

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Hi and welcome,

I came here looking for tips on upgrading to an 8" scope.

It takes the trial and error out of expensive purchases when the forum members have all been there before, and know what works.

My new scope arrives soon.

Ask the right questions - and the team here will keep you heading along the right track.

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