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Hello from Suffolk


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Hello everyone,

I have been interested in astronomy for many years now but have only just recently began looking deeper into the night skies. My first scope I purchased many years ago (10+ maybe) and unfortunately ended up selling it to help me fund my university degree.  Then I had managed to only find Jupiter and Saturn and with the quality of the scope I had these views were nothing special by any means but... The feeling I got from seeing these floating in space has never compared to any other since....

Now I own a Skywatcher 8" Dob which is much better than my previous scope and I managed again to find both Jupiter and Saturn but this time round the views were much better and drove me to wanting to search deeper and deeper... So I tried doing some Astrophotography with just my Nikon D70, tripod and DSS. I have seen a few different tutorials on how to do this and thought it was time I gave it ago but... nothing special has come from them yet apart from many more stars appearing but that doesn't mean I am going to give up looking for Andromeda for example or Orion when it becomes fully visible again.

Anyway, that is a bit about me and what I am aiming for. Its good to have finally signed up here and hope that through discussions with like minded people I will be able to improve on my passion and hopefully post some stunning images.


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Hi Nick and welcome to SGL!

There are many on here who share your interest in astrophotography and we all strive to produce stunning images! A good sentiment to have, and to help you get there can I suggest the book 'Making Every Photon Count' that is available on the FLO website in the book section. This is an imagers bible and will really help you with what you need.

The mount is THE most important thing in AP, so start from there and build up. If you take a look in the images section, you will see many people put their kit used with the images, so that will give you an idea of the sort of kit you may want to start thinking about.

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Thanks for the welcome and also the advice on the book I will probably order that today. I will probably read the entire thing too before I purchase my setup but will still probably have many questions for you all :)... I was up photographing last night until about 1 am roughly but by that time I was quite tired so I packed up around then but when the skies are clear again I may wait until Orion is visible. I thought I saw Pleiades too at a fairly reasonable time (around 11pm ish) so I may focus on that next time and do a 600 - 800 Light  photo stack (with 50 darks and 50 flats)..... hopefully I will get something decent from that.

BTW some amazing pictures you have swag72

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