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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Just been out and the summer triangle is looking very nice in the quickly retreating twilight.

It is directly overhead.

Can't yet Pick out the key stone in hercules naked eye but can see Kornephorus which is in the bottom right leg and also further back is the main star of Corona borealis which is Alphecca and arcing back towards Izar and Arcturus in Bootes

All in all some nice stars popping out.

Going to have a trawl around Ophiucus which is below and to the south of Altair at the eastern end of the triangle.

Can't wait to get back out though

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Listen to you Damian, and you being all rusty! :p

Took me a good ten minutes to remember all the names but I don't think it will take me long to get back into it.

Can't wait to turn the 22 skywards and tease out all those galaxies which reminds me Andromeda is an easy target, I'll also try for M33 the pin wheel in triangulum as I'm sure I managed it from home with the mighty finder last year although a proper challenge.

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Sounds like you're having a productive viewing evening Damian. It was cloudy earlier down here, but clearing now. Hopefully I'll get out for half an hour or so :)

Had a swift half an hour. Tried to see if I could spot NGC7331 just above Scheat in the great square of pegasus but no luck!

Hope you guys have a good one as I'm calling it a night


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Just popped outside and it is clear as a bell, milkyway looking great... Set camera up doing some long exposures of Perseus and cass. see if I can capture any perseids, I did get one 10 mins ago naked eye so I am hopeful to capture a pic ;)

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I've just come in after a lovely couple of hours with the camera, which seems to be working fine, thank goodness. Still going to take it in for a check over though, as there is still quite a lot of residue under the selection wheel thingy lol.

The patio of our holiday cottage faces South through to West, so I have had clear views of Lyra, Hercules, Corona Borealis, Bootes, Draco amd The Plough. Seen a few meteors, a couple were really bright, but all have evaded capture on camera. I've come back in now as there is some patchy cloud and my wine bottle is empty. Last proper day of holiday tomorrow so don't want to spoil it. Hope you have all had a good night :)

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We're down at nene valley this week and the skies were fantastic last night. Milky way absolutely clear as a bell- considering we're only 5 miles from Peterborough I was well impressed.

Had way to much wine to get my scope out,so I made do with an hour on my bins. Unfortunately they are now a monocular as they have gone out of collimation. Being cheap, they can't be re collimated either. Grrrrrrrrr

But it was a fab viewing session considering. Looking forward to Norfolk coast next week for the persieds!

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Glad you got a session in Nick... I am just in from a couple of hours out tonight, skies were looking great but now some cloud has come in :( . Quite a few satellites about, one faint perseid but I bet I missed lots from facing the wrong way! M13 naked eye was an easy spot, as was Andromeda. And a great pass of the ISS earlier on straight through the Milkyway, got the big flare as well. Here is a quick pic, touched up a little with the iPad nothing else!


Will be quiet later as have the outlaws visiting and we are then off the see Tom Jones at Alnwick castle. Can't wait! :)

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Nice pick Paul. Went to see Tom at York races on the 24 th of last month was a good night so I'm sure you will enjoy.

I'm off to the south west astro fair today at the Norman Lockyer observatory should be a good day[emoji106]

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Nightmare today peeps!

Someone in their infinite wisdom (and the pitch back) has kicked the wee bucket over last night! It is usually in the area directly above the entrance hall downstairs. As I was out doing some astro stuff last night all my kit was directly underneath it! Came down this morning to a leak from the ceiling all over the kit and floor :( Started to clean it up Straight away then though I better see what is leaking. Only then after going upstairs did I realise what it was all over the kit! I am not best pleased.

Managed to get it all cleaned and sterilised OK I think. But might need to take the big 12" Celestron apart to make sure there is no residual liquid inside. Suppose the silver lining is that the mirror needs a clean anyway so I could kill two birds with one stone? :)

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Covers quite a bit of sky that Soupy.

From the bottom of Cygnus at the top left over to Corona Borealis top right, down to Libra bottom right and back over to Scorpio bottom left. 

Ophiucus is bang in the middle of the pic with the ISS  passing through it.

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Back home safe and sound! Just about unpacked and I'm firing up the laptop to see what photos I've got.

Nightmare about your kit Soupy - hope you manage to get everything cleaned up and that there is no damage to anything.

Hope you're having a great time at the astro fair Mark - it should be a good day!

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Glad ur home safe and sound Vicky. Hope ur gear is ok Paul hope there's no permanent damage to any thing. Had a good time at the fair was only a small one. Lots of solar scopes out and about 4 retailers widescreen been the biggest had to keep my hands off my wallet with all the gear for sale lol.

Looks like a clear night might get out as it's not too bad here [emoji106]

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Glad ur home safe and sound Vicky. Hope ur gear is ok Paul hope there's no permanent damage to any thing. Had a good time at the fair was only a small one. Lots of solar scopes out and about 4 retailers widescreen been the biggest had to keep my hands off my wallet with all the gear for sale lol.

Looks like a clear night might get out as it's not too bad here [emoji106]

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