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The Sky at Night - The End


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Sorry, I think S@N in its current guise is rubbish.  Time to call it a day in my opinion.  Apologies, I mean not to impugn the current presenters who are very good, passionate and knowledgable. Its just that, to me, the program just lacks gravitas and it is not entertaining either.   SPM gave it something special, quirky, and special.  Without him, as I said before, its like Queen without Freddie Mercury - the whole thing is just lost and pointless.  Just my opinion, for right or for wrong.

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Your opinion, for right or for wrong as you put it, is your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it. This will always be quite an emotive subject, not just for the love of a British institution (not just Sir Patrick Moore) but for the want of a tv programme that embraces the world of the amateur astronomer.

We are unfortunately very much in the minority when it comes to popular science. There is no other programme that even touches the subject matter that we are all very fond of. Amateur astronomy is grass roots stuff. It should be encouraged, taught even, to our children so they can experience the wonder of simply "looking up".

Who knows what future teachers, professors, great thinkers can be inspired by a simple awareness of what is actually out there. All it takes is a catalyst, something to kick start a reaction and losing this ability would be very disheartening.

This is of course my own opinion.

petition signed :)


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Sorry, I think S@N in its current guise is rubbish.

I partly agree but still want it kept. S@N is far less than it could be but I'll still argue that it should not be axed because the choice is probably not between S@N and another better astronomy series but between S@N and nothing. Arguing that it should be kept shows an interest in the subject that is more likely o lead to it being improved, ignoring its cancellation shows a disinterest that is more likely to lead to even less coverage of the subject.

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For a moment, I was reminded of the (soon to be) "ex-girlfriend speech". [teasing] :D

"You're a GREAT guy, it's just not the SAME..." (as my ex-boyfriend) etc. lol.

Then they find a NEW boyfriend rather quickly? (Complain about him!)

I do think we need to be aware of the (thankless?) contribution "Chris & Lucie" have made...

Idem Brian Cox. (Just caught his "repeat") In this fight, SCIENCE above "personality"? ;)

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If you think losing S&N is a bad thing for us, least we have had a programme for the last 60 years or so. Try wandering down to your local newsagents and looking at the hobby magazines on sale (and if they stock them they must sell reasonably well) and asking yourself how many of those hobbies have had a regular programming slot on terrestrial TV in living memory.  Astonishingly few. 


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I think this demonstrates a somewhat unfair and binary opinion as far as I'm concerned.

I think the show currently does a good job of filling 30 minutes with interesting topical information accessible to all.

And yet, this opinion is just as valid as yours. If s@n does such a great job of filling the void, how come every month just after the latest episode there's a thread on sgl about how s@n has lost its way? or why do they have to have john culshaw on? after all he's not a professional. because he's an enthusiastic ametuer, you know, like SPM was.seems to me that everyone was/is happy to critisize the show until it looks like it might be lost

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And yet, this opinion is just as valid as yours. If s@n does such a great job of filling the void, how come every month just after the latest episode there's a thread on sgl about how s@n has lost its way? or why do they have to have john culshaw on? after all he's not a professional. because he's an enthusiastic ametuer, you know, like SPM was.seems to me that everyone was/is happy to critisize the show until it looks like it might be lost

Personally I have never understood the digs at JC, he is after all a true enthusiast.. Then some folks will always pick out to pick on, what they see as the weakest link, something I have always put down to a fundamental flaw in DNA... :grin: Usually take themselves to seriously and need to develop a sense of humour...Re school and workplace bullies etc..

I'd love an evening out observing with John Culshaw, it'd be brilliant, the man is so into the hobby, just like my astro mates..

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Yeah I agree. Just because he takes himself very lightly doesn't mean he can't be a true enthusiast. There's nothing wrong with enjoying life. Im fairly similar myself but I would be pretty offended if sombody told me I weren't welcome at an astronomy meet. "We'll have no levity here son, clear off!".

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Personally I have never understood the digs at JC, he is after all a true enthusiast.. Then some folks will always pick out to pick on, what they see as the weakest link, something I have always put down to a fundamental flaw in DNA... :grin: Usually take themselves to seriously and need to develop a sense of humour...Re school and workplace bullies etc..

I'd love an evening out observing with John Culshaw, it'd be brilliant, the man is so into the hobby, just like my astro mates..

Mate, you've hit the nail on the head... The guy is so obviously into his astronomy, he can't be doing tS@N for the money. Love or hate his impersonations (which SPM loved), the man is definately passionate. Personally, my biggest concern about an astro session with him would be keeping my head still at the e.p. :). I'd hate to think that I'd have to forgo my sense of humour to continue in this wonderful HOBBY.

Sorry. I digress........Go team, let's save s@n

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Yeah I agree. Just because he takes himself very lightly doesn't mean he can't be a true enthusiast. There's nothing wrong with enjoying life. Im fairly similar myself but I would be pretty offended if sombody told me I weren't welcome at an astronomy meet. "We'll have no levity here son, clear off!".

Mate, you've hit the nail on the head... The guy is so obviously into his astronomy, he can't be doing tS@N for the money. Love or hate his impersonations (which SPM did), the man is definately passionate. Personally, my biggest concern about an astro session with him would be keeping my head still at the e.p. :). I'd hate to think that I'd have to forgo my sense of humour to continue in this wonderful HOBBY.

Ay, exactly.. :)

Well they do my nut in. Personally, I don't want to be associated with any selective astronomer, if you are one of many you should be one of all.

Ed; not in the way that some folk think that to be like this you have to be like The Borg... :laugh:

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Repost: Summary of the relevant info: 


Petition http://www.change.or...he-sky-at-night


Facebook group https://www.facebook...98459717050634/


BBC complaints: http://www.bbc.co.uk...omplain-online/


Hashtag #SaveSkyAtNight


BBC email addresses: danny.cohen@bbc.co.uk, kim.shillinglaw@bbc.co.uk, john.lynch@bbc.co.uk, david.jordan@bbc.co.uk, janice.hadlow@bbc.co.uk, natalie.humphreys@bbc.co.uk, emma.swain@bbc.co.uk

Just posting this to bump the links and save having to skip back to page 13 to grab them every time I go to check on how the petition is going :icon_salut:

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Hmm 7 of 9...

Too rite.. it's a family forum dont cha know.. :tongue::grin:

Touche' :D

I was merely commenting on th fact that she avoided asimilation and that i'm a bit grubby and in need of a shower and my boiler is on the blink

Edit :- Honest

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Touche' :D

I was merely commenting on th fact that she avoided asimilation and that i'm a bit grubby and in need of a shower and my boiler is on the blink

Edit :- Honest

He he.. couldn't resist, sry :grin: .. Easy to take things the wrong way on forums so it's not really "Touche'", you were right earlier in the thread, I'm ok with that. :smiley:

Right.. off to search sky for the reruns of Voyager..

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Personally I have never understood the digs at JC, he is after all a true enthusiast.. Then some folks will always pick out to pick on, what they see as the weakest link, something I have always put down to a fundamental flaw in DNA... :grin: Usually take themselves to seriously and need to develop a sense of humour...Re school and workplace bullies etc..

I'd love an evening out observing with John Culshaw, it'd be brilliant, the man is so into the hobby, just like my astro mates..

I've been known to grumble about JC. Entirely due to his voice.

I don't care about his impressions even if they are quite good.

No, my problem is with his supposed "normal" voice. It isn't his natural speaking voice. He either puts it on intentionally or it developed due to forgetting what his real voice sounds like!

Either way it's an irritation and a distraction. I'd be happy for the whole show to be presented by amateurs and enthusiasts so I don't personally see him as a weak link. But I do think he's there under false pretenses. I suspect that the Beeb thought his almost buffoon like character would make the show more accessible to a wider audience.

So JC, if y'readin this, Shut y'gob or talk proper :)

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I was on another forum yesterday, and someone mentioned that there seems to be a lot of internet anger about the possible end of s@n and that a national "save s@n" astro night where people from all over the country can show their dissapointment might be a good idea. is anything like this been organised or is it just going to be "internet anger"? If there's something being organised in the stoke area i'll come along to show support............

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I've been known to grumble about JC. Entirely due to his voice.

I don't care about his impressions even if they are quite good.

No, my problem is with his supposed "normal" voice. It isn't his natural speaking voice. He either puts it on intentionally or it developed due to forgetting what his real voice sounds like!

Either way it's an irritation and a distraction. I'd be happy for the whole show to be presented by amateurs and enthusiasts so I don't personally see him as a weak link. But I do think he's there under false pretenses. I suspect that the Beeb thought his almost buffoon like character would make the show more accessible to a wider audience.

So JC, if y'readin this, Shut y'gob or talk proper :)

JC is the only part of the show that has anything to do with amatuers....the rest are all professionals. 

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