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Heart and Soul nebula (IC1805 & IC1848) 6 pane mosaic


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A while back I did a 2 pane mosaic of the Heart nebula (IC1805) and then last week I did a single pane of the Soul nebula (IC1848). As the moon is up, I decided that I may as well use the time productively and decided to fill in the bits in the middle and join them up. Only star fields after all, they weren't too bothered by the moon.

This is a 6 pane mosaic as it stands. A little tight on the top of the Heart, but beggars can't be choosers!



T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: Atik 460EX mono with 3nm Ha filter

A total exposure time of 35 hours, each Ha sub was 1800s.


A larger version can be viewed here Heart and Soul nebula (IC1805 and IC1848) Not full res as that came out over 6500 pixels wide!

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You've done it again !

How do we catch up with you now ? :)

The background levels are just showing that the whole area is full of Ha with dinky little dark neb showing here and there.

So .... three more across the top, flip the camera on it's side and two down the right, same again with OIII and speak again later next year !! What else would you do in summer in Spain with all those beaches and sun ?


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Thanks all :smiley:

@Dave, you make it sound so easy - Just 3 along the top, turn the camera round and 2 along the side!!! Shall I do some OIII while I'm at it?!!!

I am lucky with my skies - All being well I can get 7 hours a night in NB at the moment. It's a little cloudy now, nothing that a damn good storm wouldn't sort.

I look forward to seeing your rendition Mark - Ha or colour?

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SEVEN HOURS A NIGHT!!! I like seven hours this month please

Glad you can take advantage of them - terrific stuff Sara

I love B&W renditions and these are probably the best I can remember on SGL at anytime (apart from your other ones of course!)

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Nice work Sara, I can't see the point of not posting the large image though? Unless you are worried someone will steal it? Lets see the full high res version :)

7 hours a day, don't think I have had 7 hours of proper clear sky this year.

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Thanks Adrian and Stuart.

The lack of a full res image is more to do with my terrible broadband speeds than anything else. Is 3000 pixels not big enough?!! Over 6000 pixels wide would take me so long to upload my broadband would probably time out. The ONE disadvantage to living in Spain!!!

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Thanks Steve - I most certainly do sleep!!! I'm all set up and imaging my 2300hrs, then go to bed and leave it doing it's thing! It parks automatically at the end of the run and then in the morning when I get up I warm the camera back up and turn it all off!!!

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