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Pelican's neck


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I've been interested in imaging the ionisation band in the Pelican Nebula for a long time so decided to make it an early Summer project. Started in May but holiday and other fun stuff meant I missed the great run of clear nights in July. When I did get out I was usually plagued by high cloud so it's been a disappointing trawl of data in the end but I did manage a couple of decent nights recently.

Camera: QSI 532 ws with SX AO

Scope: LX 200R with 0.63 reducer @ F7

Filters: Baader 7nm Ha, OIII and SII

Subs: Ha 10x1800secs OIII and SII each 2x1800 secs 4x900 secs binned x2 and 3x300secs binned x2

Captured, calibrated and combined with Maxim. Deconvolved in CCDStack and completed in PS using Ha for luminence and colours assigned as per Hubble Palate


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As is always the case with mono images, and especially NB ones, I can only sit back and enjoy a cracking image without commenting in detail - since I don't know much about the execution and processing of such an image.

Beautiful, quite simply :-)


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