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well what can i say....


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right..scope was set up in 10 mins, quicker than I expected...pretty dark at 930 so first telrad and finderscope lined up on the moon I only had about 15mins before it drifted behind our house..fine,so popped in the 21E..i've been waiting for the scope before I used it thought i'll kill two first lights in one night!. The ep showed the moon and its peaks and the terminator wonderfully well but without a N.D. filter it was soooo bright so I didn't hang around on it too long..looked crisp with my 40mm meade plossl also. I know, I know what am I doing lookin at the moon with a light bucket!..quick glimpse with the 13E to get more detail and then...hmm what a poor view?..the battery in my collimater was dead, so it must be out somewhere..thats why the view was iffy...no, I had left the clearish lens cap on the bottom, what a noob!!...On to the first real target M13 (can I just say I've never used a telrad before and can't understand why I didn't get one years ago, there brilliant!) there it was in the finderscope..paused..there are moments in this hobby when you are just left floored..i was about to have one..i peeked, looked..then stared, its was jaw-dropping..for me, emotional. Globs do that sometimes, that misty patch in the finder just hits the eyeball like a firework. You must forgive me for my choice of targets but all seen before in the 12" it was a re-run with a difference..M57 was fantastic in the 21E and the 13E had to go in also..no star seen in the middle, but faint colour was there I think! it looked better through the 21E..i'm liking this ep already! Next up was M27 and I was a little worried how I would fare on this with the amount of moon and remember I have no lightshroud! well not to worry because it was the best view I've had of it! so much core and shape on the top and bottom..this mirror John has made is a wonderful tool for sucking the faintest light in. Not as much coma as I thought there would be but its there allright! Ngc 663 in cassiopeiae was just another jewel in the 21E so many stars..talking of which the sword handle in Perseus, Ngc 869,884 was just litterd with specks of diamonds, just beautiful..Andromeda was a large fuzz, but no dust lanes the moon and edge of town LP put pay to that, but still large in the 21E's view...Now the scope..alot of money has been spent on this and it shows, feathertouch is so smooth and light to the touch no problems there,at all. You can see why they get the feedback from those things. The orion 9x50 finder is just simply very good at its job. Telrad is much,much better than a plain old red dot finder,get one they just work, tho it didn't take long to dew up ( that will have to get sorted)..as for the scope itself..smooth movement all-round, no nose-diving when low-down, great balance when loaded in the focuser..just oozes quality..solid feel to every part on it, a real pleasure to move around and that's what Dobs should be even big one's like this...they should add to the night not distract you during the night..i'm a very lucky man to have had a big scope made by someone who cares about what he's making not just run-of-the-mill but with heart and soul put in it, thanks Shane for a scope for life..and giving me a night to remember for the rest of mine. clear skies, Calv.

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what a lovely report calv, glad you loving your light portal lol. god i realy do have aperture fever now, theres your lovely scope, swampthings and rustys when will it all end. i bet you cant wait to get it to a dark sky, all the best to you mate

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Nice one Cal.

Globs are kinda knockout with big scopes aren't they :)

From a dark sky :eek::D. I don't think anything in astronomy can beat observing from an ink black sky with a big scope.

..Amen to that, "brother of the Truss"! :grin:

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I had no real doubts mate but it's always good when things work well in use. I normally like a little time with a scope when made to test it but everything seemed fine although given this scope had about 30 seconds of testing before you took it I am very happy it's all working fine. you'll see a difference with the paracorr (and of course the lens caps removed LOL) and don't forget the magnifications you are using too. 1775 is a fair focal length and 2040 is getting lengthy. your 13mm E will give 157x with the PC and I honestly thing you'll use just the 21/13E and rarely need anything else. male a mask too for double stars. I reckon you'd get maybe 180-190mm so like a 7" f11 frac. not bad for doubles at 340x with the Nagler zoom?

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It's great when things come together like that - as you say it sounds like a lifetime scope :smiley:

A bright globular cluster is always a great place to start a relationship with a large aperture scope - you can really get inside them as the aperture increases :smiley:

Hope you have many more memorable nights with the scope and take a little time out now and then to tell us about them !

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lovely first light report :) and I can only imagine things getting even better with darker skies, no Moon, and a shroud. I predict many many wow moments to come :) As for emotional, I'm not ashamed to say I very slightly welled up the first time I saw M13 with a decent lens and good seeing, quite a profound site even with an 8" mirror net along 18!


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brilliantisimo ! now you know why I've been preaching Telrad and the downloadable charts from year dot. If you come over and see us at PSP , Lee has a homemade version with a circle of delicate leds for fixing faint targets.

So good to hear these reports from big buckets,


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Got a look at this "in the flesh" last night. I can see now why moonshanes scopes get rave reviews.....The workmanship and attention to detail is amazing. I know how big 18" is but when I saw it, well impressive springs to mind. It's enough to make a learning imager switch sides.........almost ;).

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