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I bought my first scope the year before last, heritage 130, before driving with it from Perth to Darwin over two months, sleeping with it next to me in the van after sitting up nights, pushing the scope to its limits in some very dark skies. The van is long gone now, hopefully the scope found its way to interested hands, and i am in the northern hemisphere and lost in its alien stars.

Nice to find this place of the like minded and the knowledgable.

Can someone point me to the north star?

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Hi Macg. Welcome to SGL!

North Star (Polaris) is a double star - so if you only see one star then you may have the wrong one in your eyepiece.

It is a tight double with one star much larger than the other, but you should be able to separate it in your scope.


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g'day macg and welcome, I spent the first 40 years of my life in Oz (Sydney) and never made it to Perth or Darwin :embarrassed:. Here in the UK, we can only imagine the dark skies you must have seen in outback W.A. Not sure if you know this but you can move stellarium forward with the arrows on the bottom right. feel free to share some of your experiences "down under", I can assure you there are many of us here interested to hear them :). Enjoy the lounge


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Thanks guys!

I have downloaded stellarium. Located the box in Ursa Major, on the software, and am waiting for the sun to set. :grin:

Just a little eager.

I should warn you that the Sun being up, and the Sun setting often look remarkably similar due to the 20 mile thick cloud belt above us here.

On the bright side I am yet to be killed in my sleep by everything that moves!

Welome, best of luck and clear skies!

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Thanks again guys.

Sub dwarf: I am not sure what to share about my experiences, and i presume you mean astronomical.

I drove a couple of hours a day, played guitar under a bridge, or tree, cause it was hot. Towards evening i would find a place to park away from anyone else and set up the scope for the evening. Have some tinned food, cause there isn't enough time in the day to cook with this sort of schedule, and waited for it to get dark. I have no real comparisons for the darkness but there were often no towns for hundreds of k's. I enjoyed the Magellanic clouds, jewel box cluster, Eta Carinae Nebula, Orion's Belt, but i think i could have used a bigger scope for deeper objects.

Nebula:No problems here, I am lucky to be in Isael, were it is regularly cloudless.

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