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Nova Delphinus 2013 @ 50mm

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Well I had a crack at the Nova last night and managed to pick it up.

The pics are more noisy than I expected but that could be down to the Moon?

Anyway, this is the first batch I have processed and there are a couple of other things going on. I believe the Dumbell galaxy can even be seen to the right.



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Haha, no it doesn't. I wouldn't of had a clue had I not had the charts and other pics for comparison.

It is still brightening thoughn I imagine for anyone who gets their scopes on it it'd be nice and bright.

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That's the one thing I don't have is a before pic for a side by side.

I might have to settle for an after pic in the long run, I thought about clone stamping it out but then that would be cheating.

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Clouded out last night so here is a zoomed in image of the area for posterity.

Out of curiosity is there a way to determine or at least roughly guess magnitude from pictures?


Nice round stars anyway.

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I have been thinking about it and wondering the impact of such event on us if we were more "connected" with Nature. No light pollution, sensible leisure time during working days, Nature science (hands on) lectures at schools, a bigger sense of unity with the cosmos. I suppose that urban life gave us ( at least for a few) wealth, but took a bit of poetry.

Stu said about how great it is so many people seeing it and enjoying it all over the world. Such a fantastic thing. A little star like a lighthouse shines on us even if just for few nights and makes people wonder. So many scientists are now studding it.

Well, it might be visual, but it doesn't exactly stand out, does it? :)


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Thanks for the link, I have heard of IRIS before but somehow it's totally skipped me by. I'll look into it, it'd be nice to maybe do some comparisons given the chance.

It's looking a bit iffy tonight too but at least I can catch up on some sleep or reading.

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