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Hullo from Devon


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Registered a while ago to use the search facility while doing my research before buying a scope, and felt it was about time I said "Hi" and thanks :)

Me and my brother recently bought a Skywatcher Explorer 130 (the clearance one from FLO - who were great by the way) and have been observing Saturn and a few doubles so far.

We've also dabbled a little with putting a webcam on it just to see :)


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Hi there and welcome to SGL.

Which webcam have you been trying out?

Clear Skies!


Edit: Is that Mr Flibble in your profile picture?

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the welcome! I got the xbox 360 cam from ebay, less than £5 delivered :) I've managed a short video of Saturn only as without a motor on our mount it zooms across the sensor, let's see if I can figure out how to post the stacked image...


quite pleased with that for a first go, followed the guide by JamesF although I think I need a bigger image to start with :)

and yes, that is Mr Flibble :)

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Firstly - Mr Flibble gets nowhere near the recognition he deserves.

Secondly - Im 100% positive if you put your image in the 'getting started with imaging' section there will be a flurry of people with advice.

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