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New Sky at Night format


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Just wondering what people think of the Sky at Night programme now that Sir Patrick has passed away. There's been some two or three episodes since. For me, it doesn't have the same "cosiness" of the later episodes with Sir Patrick, although I think its still very informative. I thought the tug of war bit in the last episode was confusing to say the least... Its great that they still centre on one topic, and get amateur astronomers involved.

Lucie Green is excellent, I think. But there's something about Chris Lintott I don't quite like - but that's nothing new.

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I don't mind it although the one thing people have always said they have wanted are longer shows, instead they are shorter episodes and shorter extended shows on bbc4.

I think this impacts the style a bit but I still enjoy it and hope it continues.

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Just wondering what people think of the Sky at Night programme now that Sir Patrick has passed away. There's been some two or three episodes since. For me, it doesn't have the same "cosiness" of the later episodes with Sir Patrick, although I think its still very informative. I thought the tug of war bit in the last episode was confusing to say the least... Its great that they still centre on one topic, and get amateur astronomers involved.

Lucie Green is excellent, I think. But there's something about Chris Lintott I don't quite like - but that's nothing new.

I also miss the 'cosiness' of SPM's study. I do think that the program does need a new home of some sort, even if it is a studio set . Personally I think the BBC should by Farthings and film it there, they could also use the house for all sorts of other filming too.

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The 30 minute episode's seem OK but when they reduce it to 20 minutes they have to cut something and I don't think that cutting 33% results in a good result. Also cannot see much point in reducing from 30 to 20 minutes, they are not exactly saving much.

Suspect that if the BBC went for a slightly longer program that it would be successful, the programs aimed more at science do seem to be successful these days. How about a 40 minute "standard" episode and a reduced 30 minute one? Will say that something like 60 minutes could be over long.

Would like to see more instances on people and their scopes as this is what people new to the hobby would I suspect find the most informative. But so far the new format appears quite good, just wish I had a better idea of when it appears

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. Personally I think the BBC should by Farthings and film it there, they could also use the house for all sorts of other filming too.

I would like to see some sort of preservation order on Farthings, much the same way as Herschel's house in Bath given Patrick's contribution to astronomy etc Maybe that is where some of the national lottery funding should go ? Not sure if filming should continue in the house, that might be too spooky if you know what I mean, but I do think the program should be studio based with the same format as before, where pre-recorded segments were introduced between discussions.

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New member here; but LONG time watcher of TSAN.

As SPM has died the show has a chance to re-invent itself. As a monthly rather than weekly show, it has more freedom than weekly type shows and really should be a lot better. I think they should split the show into 3 sections, maybe occassionally drop one where the material elsewhere justifies it.

1. Science - a general term to focus on an event or particular subject

2. Users - this could be tips, like the show earlier in the year covering filters for solar viewing, but also for planetary, DSO, astro photography, etc

3. The Sky at Night next month - highlights of what to look for with maybe 'monthly' targets to seek out. eg for June they could have mentioned looking for the ATV-4 and soon to dock with the ISS.

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I also think this is a good time for TSAN to reinvent itself for a more up to date format including filming location . Without SPM i think it pointless to continue filming at The Farthings, and dare i say it , that a fresh outlook would be more appealing to a younger , wider audience . This is not for one minute taking anything away from SPM but simply moving on.

Not sure about cutting the show time though .

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An opinion from the other side of the pond...

We don't have a TV show like Sky At Night in the US. I have to wait for the SAN coverdisc to arrive about a month after release to see the Sky At Night TV show. I truly enjoy the show and wish it all the success of the last 55 (?) years. I miss Sir Patrick, but as others have said the show now has an opportunity to make some changes. The current format and presenters are still quite enjoyable to watch. I can get the hardcore science elsewhere.

My only disappointment is waiting to see new episodes. If someone knows a source to view them in the US, please speak up!

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I think the show is trying to move on. This month's episode at Herstmonceaux Observatory was good in that it showed us some great looking observatories. Being out and about is a good thing, I think. Rather than having a dedicated home, even if it is a studio, may reduce the appeal.

I do miss the interviews with professional astronomers about various projects that are going on. Just sat around in The Farthings with SPM and a load of experts was quite good. The pace of the show was always quite slow, and I like that. I hope they don't up the pace any more.

Just my twopenneth really. Seems that most still continue to like the show, so somebody somewhere is doing something good!

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An opinion from the other side of the pond...

We don't have a TV show like Sky At Night in the US. I have to wait for the SAN coverdisc to arrive about a month after release to see the Sky At Night TV show. I truly enjoy the show and wish it all the success of the last 55 (?) years. I miss Sir Patrick, but as others have said the show now has an opportunity to make some changes. The current format and presenters are still quite enjoyable to watch. I can get the hardcore science elsewhere.

My only disappointment is waiting to see new episodes. If someone knows a source to view them in the US, please speak up!

You could try doing some 'internet research' into VPNs and proxies in order to access BBC iplayer. Disclaimer: this may or may not be legal...

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But there's something about Chris Lintott I don't quite like - but that's nothing new.

i know what u mean, he's not a natural tv presenter but he is quite likeable is guess.

personally i think Pete Lawrence should be the main host as he is an amatuer astronomer like SPM

and the most relaxed in front of the camera, he never sounds rehearsed like Lintott

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I'm just happy it's on at all! There are many hobbies and interests that dont have any sort of program available, so 20 minutes a month about astronomy in any format is better than nothing.

yeah like cooking. sometimes you have to wait for over an hour before the next cookery programme starts :laugh:

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I've stated before my opinions on how the shows 'cosiness' has changed somewhat. I feel that a main base for them would be a great asset to the show, the Farthings had SPM'S documents and scopes on hand to comment on and use in the shows. As such That is a major asset the show has since lost.

With regards the Farthings property, it was bought by Brian May some time ago, so I have no idea what is destined for it now.

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I didn't know that The Farthings had been bought by Brian May!

I suppose the show has been slowly altered already over the last few years, since Sir Patrick could no longer travel to London for filming, and Chris Linnott had been co-hosting with him for a good few years now.

With his death, the new format seems to be another step forward. I agree that it would be nice to have a longer programme length (45 mins?). One thing I did like over the last few years was that there was usually TWO repeats of the previous show, that was nice before I had access to Sky+!


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I think it lacks a certain gravitas now SPM has gone. It's difficult I know and everyone is trying their best. But its like trying to reform the band Queen without Freddie Mercury; the whole thing just does not fly. Same as S@N. SPM *was* S@N !!!

IMO there are too many presenters and its confusing and becoming a circus. They should strip it back to Chris Lintott, Paul Abel and Pete Lawrence. With a guest appearance once per month. To the person who does not rate Chris I disagree, although all entitled to our opinions. I have met him numerous times at talks etc; he is a really nice bloke, extremely helpful and approachable.

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They should strip it back to Chris Lintott, Paul Abel and Pete Lawrence.


To the person who does not rate Chris I disagree, although all entitled to our opinions. I have met him numerous times at talks etc; he is a really nice bloke, extremely helpful and approachable.

It is a personal matter. For me Chris doesn't seem natural in front of the camera. Its a bit like Ant and Dec. Ant (the one on the left) seems less natural on tv than Dec (on the right). But I'm sure he's a nice guy and all that. Perhaps they shouldn't make him the main presenter? But he's doing an ok job. I'm certainly not turning off the telly when he's on, unlike Ant and Dec!

As for the first point, I agree 98%. They should strip it back to a core team, and to be fair I think they are trying to do that. However, having a female presenter is vitally important to act as a good role model / represent female interests. There aren't enough female scientists in the world, imho! Lucie Green is an excellent addition to the team.

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Don't forget... Chris is used to being a co-presenter with Sir Patrick , its quite a culture shock for him but I'm sure he'll grow into it.

Wish all the crew my very best of luck in trying to fill very large shoes :D

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I think it lacks a certain gravitas now SPM has gone. It's difficult I know and everyone is trying their best. But its like trying to reform the band Queen without Freddie Mercury; the whole thing just does not fly. Same as S@N. SPM *was* S@N !!!

IMO there are too many presenters and its confusing and becoming a circus. They should strip it back to Chris Lintott, Paul Abel and Pete Lawrence. With a guest appearance once per month. To the person who does not rate Chris I disagree, although all entitled to our opinions. I have met him numerous times at talks etc; he is a really nice bloke, extremely helpful and approachable.

Agree Steve: SPM "was" S@N though it's way better having some new form of S@N rather than none at all. Also agree with your comments about Chris: he did a superb talk at Leeds AstroMeet a couple of years ago.

I didn't know that The Farthings had been bought by Brian May!

I could be wrong but I think Brian was concerned about Patrick's financial situation: Patrick was apparently a very generous person and Brian was concerned that he could be left penniless & homeless so bought the house to ensure Patrick would be able to live there regardless. Really nice thing to do.

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re 'they should strip it back to a core team'

imho i don't think this will ever happen : having multiple presenters makes programme making

much more flexible. if somebody's unavailable they can always put 30 mins together with

the other presenters doing various clips or standing in for someone else .

it might seem a departure from the original format but i think doing it this way is more likely to keep

S@N on the telly in the long term.

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