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Oh deary me!


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Put the delos and ultima barlow into diagonal on star travel. Didnt check the screws on scope holding diagonal and it rotated. Both pieces made a sickening noise ad they hit the floor. Gutted doesnt half describe how i feel.

Barlow slight dent on it, delos tiny dent on side. Neither have optics effected but I am still p'd off.

Last time they get used on that scope.

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Sorry to hear that Steve :sad:

Sounds like the damage is minimal but it's darned annoying anyway.

When I checked the specs I was surprised to see that the Delos 6mm and 8mm weigh more than their Ethos equivalents !. Add the weight of the barlow and I guess that's a fair amount for any 1.25" diagonal to stand.

They are superbly made items though and I'm sure their performance won't suffer :smiley:

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In all seriousness though, I've been mightily cross with myself when I've dropped a cheap eyepiece before now. I'd probably go completely thermonuclear if I dropped something costing twenty times more :(


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Haha Rowan thanks for the laff, needed it.

John, like wise thanks for the soothing comments.

But honestly feels like I have forgot a special birthday or similar bad thing.

Need to check barlow more in case the dent is causing stress on the lens and distorting it, will let you know.

cheers anyway guys


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I know the feeling I only recently lost a 6mm Delos when it fell to earth attached to my APM, the latter escaped with a dent to the dew cover the former was not so lucky. That was just my stupidity not doing something I should have. However a few nights ago I had my 180 Mak out side and had it lined up on a walnut tree at the bottom of my field. I asked My son if he would like to see walnuts on the tree, I turned the 2 inch diagonal with a 40mm SWA in and after a few seconds it just keep on going, Some of the kit you get with these scopes is really rubbish. In this case it is the visual back, total junk, try getting another quality one, not easy.

I have tried the UK sold out, now I am having to go to TS who do not deserve my business. The good thing is if all fails my friend can cut the SW and my Meade SC back and join them, then tidy them up on a lathe.


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Very sorry in my rant about what happened to me it slipped my mind to say how sorry I was to hear about what happened to you. You only bought them the other day, sometimes life ain't fair . I know it is extra but I would get a good 2 inch diagonal for them, or was the fault similar to my later issue with the visual back connection?

It is also very good advice from Foundaplanet with the carpet, I will see if I can find a piece, not a big thing here, it's mostly tiled floors.


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I dont have the issue of a rotating diagonal usually Alan as i use them in my dob. The lil grab n go frac had the problem.

I have some seperate cheap ep's for that and from now on they will be used and not my good ones.

As mentioned, i think the ep is ok. But the barral of the barlow has a compression dent right next to the lens. I am hoping the plastic sleeve insert has cushioned the lens and is preventing any distortion but i wont know until i can do a bright star test.

Here's hoping.

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Sorry to hear that Bomberbaz, hope the damage done is not significant, but I can imagine even a cosmetic dent one something would annoy me. The first night I got my scope I had not attached the red dot finder enough, when I was aligning it, it came flying off and landed on the concrete patio. Strangely, not a scratch I could see on it, and it works fine, it has all been good since, touch wood, not dropped an eyepiece yet.

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Very sorry to hear about that. I had a similar thing happen to brand new kit a few years ago so I have great sympathy. I had literally just bought a brand new C8 to use on my EQ6. First time I put it on the mount I forgot I had not tightened the clutches and watched in horror (and slow motion) as the brand new shiny scope sat there for a moment before gracefully swinging through almost 180 degrees and smashing at great speed into the tripod leg, making the possibly the most sickening noise I think its possible to experience in astronomy :eek: !! I had this overwhelming feeling of helpless anger that the 'undo button' does not work in the real world!

Big dent, but it turned out the scope was totally unaffected - I never did it again though (yet!)

I will keep my fingures crossed for your barlow.

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really sorry to hear your news mate. although I feel your pain and it's a right sickener when this happens, just use it as a reminder to yourself to check and double check connections in future. it sounds like the damage is minimal in the main so just be thankful for that :smiley: eventually the annoyance will fade and you'll start enjoying your eyepieces again.

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Cheers all. I can tell that you guys are feeling my pain. All your soothing words and the realisation that it is only cosmetic (I hope) has made me feel a little better.

Still so damned annoyed with myself for such a school boy error.

Anyway, time to move on, worse things happen at sea (thinks I am on a cruise in 10 weeks :eek: ) heheh


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If it's any consolation, there are many more of us out there than would care to admit to it, who've had exactly the same experience. It's not a nice feeling and you feel like the biggest [removed word] in the World for quite a while. You're not alone!

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I just read this again after the title change. thats 30 seconds of my life I will never get back but the offer stands. I'll even make a fairly reasonable offer for one of those second rate pentaxes you were conned into buying :grin:

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I just read this again after the title change. thats 30 seconds of my life I will never get back but the offer stands. I'll even make a fairly reasonable offer for one of those second rate pentaxes you were conned into buying :grin:

Will you make the same reasonable offer for the 13mm Vixen LVW I just conned myself into buying yesterday to cheer me up :tongue:
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Will you make the same reasonable offer for the 13mm Vixen LVW I just conned myself into buying yesterday to cheer me up :tongue:

No a 13mm is no good for me I only have a 480mm scope and its too close a mag to my undamaged 12mm delos :tongue:
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