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Hello all from a Sunny clear sky (not) in London ;o)


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As i Newbie i feel sometimes that i chose the wrong year to take up Astronomy in late 2011 or perhaps i just never realised just how much cloudy weather we can have at times in old blighty . We've been through a bad spell so heres looking forward to a good run of clear skys on the up cycle :smiley:

Im an inventor amongst other things and love the buz/sharp feeling i get out of working at the razor cutting edge of mans knowledge and beyond pushing the boundaries.

When there is nobody there to advise / mentor, no instruction manual and absolutely no results from any internet search engine.... yes you read that right ... absolutely nothing... thats just another indicator screaming to you that your going where no man/woman has gone before , pushing the frontiers back by light years. To be so insane , so crazy & a public spectacle of derision should you utter any words of what your working on or trying to achieve to any who bother to listen With an open reticular cortex :grin: To dare to dream of reaching for the stars! :shocked: ... but then when you succeed... ah yes ! its all different then isnt it :o) Eventually, with passage of time all the naysayers will say "oh yes, its logical, i could have told you that!" , "well of course ..ha ha ha haaa! .. " "Obviously, ... blah blah..." The bane of all inventors.. :confused: lol

Anyhow, i digress as usuall ... i would like to do my bit in Astronomy. New technology, for example that would make the minimum sized telescope for most people 32Inch + , yes flood the market with them too. One for every school . As for looking at distant 'Bloob-ulars" & blobby things in a big telescopes of which i fast grew weary :Envy: this just isnt good enough !! We need to go there ! to boldly get out into space more ! :cool:

Anyone fancy chipping in for a new 'super hubble' ?? Go on! i will even throw in a ticket for your stay at my 'moon base observatory ' , its on the 'Dark side' you know !!? :o) :grin: :grin:


Clear Skys to you all.

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Hi Bezale and welcome to SGL, I am now thinking that in the long run, the only way to avoid the continuous bad weather in the UK is to move, it even snowed for a few moments yesterday and we have howling gales and very low temperatures to-day :)

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