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Hello From West Sussex


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Hi Everyone,

I've been interested in astronomy for ages and finally bought a really cheap and nasty telescope last year. The mount for it was useless and very unstable. So after using every power tool in the garage (including ones I really didn't need to use) I fashioned a far more stable tripod made of rough sawn timber - not very elegant but quite effective. The optics on the scope weren't the best but good enough to make use of a very clear southern sky. A year later I am in the UK - the old scope is in long term storage. Here I bought an Orion XT8 which is a very nice scope and collects quite a lot of light. I'm only in the UK for a few years so I have to make the most of the northern sky and see as much as possible. I've had the new scope out about 6 times since I got it (every clear night in the last couple of weeks) and have viewed (apologies for my terrible spelling) Andromeda, Triangulum, Ring Nebula, M15, Uranus, Mars, the Moon, Crab Nebula, some clusters in Auriga and the highlight of the last couple of weeks - Holmes Comet. The kids have also had a look all of the above and are developing a keen interest. I have just looked outside and there's a break in the clouds so I'm off to do some viewing and try out my new light pollution filter!

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I'm from New Zealand and back there we had a nice rural property miles from any source of light pollution. The night sky was just awesome - hence why I got interested in Astronomy. I got a light pollution filter the other day and I have tried it just once (with the moon and the weather the viewing hasn't been too flash lately) it seemed to work ok. The ring nebula seemed to show up a bit better. I'll need a few more tries to work out if it was worth it.

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