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Hi from Totnes, Devon


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Hi Everyone

I hope you all appreciate how helpful these forums are when you're learning? So thank you all for the revealing and practical discussion threads.

I've re-started astronomy after some 30 years absence: I can still remember cold nights as a teenager trying to figure out how to attache an old Nikon SLR onto my 60mm refractor using old copies of 'Practical Photography' (I still have a section from March 1978 as a bookmark in an old astronomy reference book). How things have changed for the better with the digital revolution. Reading the variety of home countries of OPs it is humbling to know that I am one of many obsessed with this hobby.

The guys at FLO and Bernard at Modern Astronomy have been v.helpful with recent purchases to get me kitted out and I have managed a half-dozen nights' imaging in the last couple of months - oh for clear skies. Dion's (Astronomy Shed) tutorials are ace too.

Here's to better weather and an improving Spring!


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Thanks everyone.

Metcheck reports that we might have clear skies Weds & Thurs night in Totnes so I'm hoping to try out my new QHY8L. I've been using my EOS1100D up to now and guiding with a QHY5 on a ST80 (after trying, not too successfully, a SW Synguider . . . must remember to place on ebay) and a SW MN190, mounted on a NEQ6. I'm also waiting delivery of a TS 115mm flt apo F5.2 via Bernard at Modern Astronomy. So I hope it's going to be a busy week. I must remember to thank my family for their patience! I have been surprised how (relatively) easy it has been to configure all the software - EQASCOM, Alignmaster, CdC, BYE, Nebulosity, PhD - and get going with imaging. I even took the plunge with a gamepad, having got fed-up with the faff of back-and-forth between the EP and the PC trying to align. 'Making Every Photon Count' has also been indispensable, just like this forum for gathering info, tips & techniques.


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Hi Barry and welcome to the forum. Looks like you have made use of a lot of good resources that are out which can only be a good thing - you are going to be an expert in no time!

Clear skies and hope you enjoy this resource too. :grin:


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