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New to stargazing but keen!


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Hi Everyone

I have used this site a lot over the past few weeks and have been amazed at the level of commitment and knowledge of you guys. I'm pretty new to stargazing and would like any advice on what is the best setup for a newbie like me. I have had my eye on a Skywatcher 150PL EQ3-2 and have seen some great advice to others regarding this scope. What other bits and bobs could you recommend to make my interest a hobby?

Also, I will need to keep this scope in am outside shed - any advice on keeping it in great condition?

Many Thanks, Phil.

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Hi Everyone

I have used this site a lot over the past few weeks and have been amazed at the level of commitment and knowledge of you guys. I'm pretty new to stargazing and would like any advice on what is the best setup for a newbie like me. I have had my eye on a Skywatcher 150PL EQ3-2 and have seen some great advice to others regarding this scope. What other bits and bobs could you recommend to make my interest a hobby?

Also, I will need to keep this scope in am outside shed - any advice on keeping it in great condition?

Many Thanks, Phil.

Personally, I'd consider adding Dual Axis Motors to that, so you can track whatever you've got in the field of view. Perhaps a Cheshire Collimator would be good too, other than that I'd get some time getting used to the scope before buying anything else :).

Welcome to the forum


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Hi Phil

Welcome to SGL. From what I've heard the scope you are thinking about is a good one, but I would say don't rush into buying a scope until you decide what direction you might be heading in - deep sky, planetary, just visual, astrophotography, maybe just general purpose or whatever. I got back into astronomy a few years ago and took the plunge too soon when a s/h LX90 came up at a nice price. I like the scope, but as it's altaz for photography I'm limited to fairly short exposures unless I get an equatorial wedge for it. If you might get into astroimaging you probably need a scope on a much better spec mount than if you just want to use it for visual.

I suggest you keep looking on here and visit your nearest astro society and pick some brains. I don't know if you've got one around Chorley, but Bolton Astro isn't far from you, just off junction 5 M61, and they've got some real equipment specialists there. Beware - when the interest turns into a hobby things can start to get expensive - there always seems to be another bit of kit to buy!



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Wow - thanks for the welcomes and advice so far. I've just had a quick look at Bolton Astro - its only about 15 mins away from me so I'll have to pop along - thanks.

I think at the moment I just want the scope for viewing and getting used to where and what things are etc.

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Hi, Phil, and welcome to SGL! As others have said there should be no problem in keeping a scope in a shed - providing the shed is dry and you take reasonable precautions to keep mirrors/lens dry and free from dirt (and spiders webs!). There are positive advantages to shed storage - if it is unheated a shed will allow the scope to cool and acclimatise far quicker than from a heated house. I would recommend you pay a visit to your local group and see a couple of scopes before buying.


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Hi Phil and welcome to SGL, keeping your scope in the shed is fine, extra security is one thing, you don`t want your new scope disappearing overnight, and if you are handy at DIY, a cheap chipboard box with copious amounts of Silica crystals in bags, is even better to store the scope in, keeps out the dust and the creepy crawlies and helps to avoid any accidents/damage, if you need access to other items that you may store in there :)


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