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Just thought I'd say hello as I have just registered after doing a lot of research on this site.

I have finally got round to buying a scope after a year or two of wanting one. I bought a pair of 10x50 binos after recommendations on here a few years ago and dug the out on Monday night to look at jupiter which I managed to see a blob and a small blob. :) The moon I saw was to the left hand side of Jupiter dunno which one it would be. This got me back enthused even though they were small blobs. So today I have splashed out and just ordered a 130 p flexitube of FLO after emails with Martin.

I understand that this comes with a 10 and 25 mm eye piece, so should give me x26 and x65 I did ask about a barlow lens 2x but got told that this would turn my 25 mm into a 12.5 so not much difference to the 10 mm and the 10 mm would become a 5 mm which would not be very good in the uk most of the time.

Whats your thoughts on the next eye piece to get?

Also people that wear glasses do you observe with them on or off? when I was using binos i found it easier to take glasses off.

And finally is there a way of turning the forum to black on white ( ie reverse the colors ) as this hurts my eyes on a night?

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Hi matt, welcome to SGL. I think anyone on this forum will advise you not to spend any money yet. Get used to using your new scope first and learning the night sky , then when you become more experienced you will know yourself what different eye pieces you need. Good luck with your scope and let us all know how you are getting on, Kevin

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Welcome to SGL

I'd definitely hold off on eyepieces until you've used the scope a bit. Get some experience under your belt first.

In theory at least you shouldn't need to wear glasses for viewing if you're short- or long-sighted, but you will need to if you have astigmatism.

At the bottom of the web page there's a "Change Theme" link that changes the colours. There aren't many options, but perhaps one will work for you.


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Cheers all,

Good call on the change theme link would not have spotted that. made it much better :)

Yeah just been reading the eye piece guide on here even though I understood most of it theres still a lot that I didn't, but like you say until I know what I want to look at then I will hold off.

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Hi GreyhoundMatt & welcome to SGL.

Plenty of good advice & accurate information on here.

Only the amount cloud cover is grossly overstated.

Anybody would think that we don't see the sun, moon or stars, even occasionally!

Yes it's cloudy outside - again...........

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Hi Matt welcome to SGL, if you want to change the look of the forum goto your settings page and at the vey bottom left of the page you will see change theme, chose the secong option.

hope this is better for you.

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