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Which red led torch?

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Hi Kevin, you can spend money on fancy 'branded' red light torches but at the end of the day they are all just torches....with red lights!

My advice would be to get any medium power torch and cover it with something transparent and red..... for example a couple of coats of red nail varnish or some red sweet wrappers! Just as effective but cheaper!

I'd also recommend you get yourself a head mounted torch and do the same with that........keeps your hands free to handle e/p's and other bits and bobs.


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Hi Kevin, I'm a newbie too and joined today!! I have had a very warm welcome and some great advice already :-)

I purchased one from First Light Optics (I've seen that this is a very reputable and recommended retailer). It is a Skywathcer Dual LED, switches between White & Red and it cost £15.00 and arrived the next day!

Hope this helps.


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Im also a noobie, i just picked up a SnS Carson Star Map red LED Night-Vision torch from scopes and skies for £5.99 does the job, can read star maps etc with it fine! i wouldnt spend to much on a torch tbh a red LED is a red LED no matter what fancy name and case its in.

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Hi Kevin, I'm a newbie too and joined today!! I have had a very warm welcome and some great advice already :-)

I purchased one from First Light Optics (I've seen that this is a very reputable and recommended retailer). It is a Skywathcer Dual LED, switches between White & Red and it cost £15.00 and arrived the next day!

Hope this helps.


I have a similar model and found after using it a few times the wheel which controls the brightness came unscrewed after tightening it and having it come loose a couple of times I solved the problem with a small dob of "No More Nails" between the metal plate and plastic wheel, works a treat.

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Hi everyone , I'm a newbie looking for a red led torch,any recommendations would be greatly appreciated thanks Kevin

I got myself a used AA Maglite from eBay and a red lens to suit also from eBay. Cost less than a tenner and is ideal.


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my wife recently bought a Kindle and a small LED light with a flexi neck like this http://www.amazon.co.uk/FoneM8-Ultra-Night-Reading-Kindle/dp/B004GX8RAM/ref=tag_stp_s2_edpp_url it was very cheap and with some red sweet wrapper paper (e.g. quality street strawberry) works superbly. clip it to your star map and works a treat. I'll be buying one!

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I have the Skywatcher torch that Greek Tony bought and would thoroughly recommend it, especially with the white light on hand too. Many people use a variety of torches with many different ways of turning it into a red torch but the problem here is that the red light produced is likely to be too bright to help maintain your night vision. Head torches are a great idea but keep reminding yourself to turn them off when talking with fellow observers as it can still be too powerful for their eyes - I should know as I have been told off a few times when I forgot! :grin: :grin:


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  • 1 year later...

I have an Energizer one. Doesnt get much use astronomy wise now as my power packs have red lights on them. I mainly use it now with the white light bulb on to navigate my way up and down the dark country roads/paths around me while out at night in my wheelchair.

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A couple of weeks ago Aldi were selling a set of three torches for £4.99 - a head torch with two white LEDs or one red LED, together with two tubular torches with 9 white LEDs each. All very good and fantastic value since nine AAA batteries were included.

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