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Although I've been a sky watcher on and off throughout my life, I've never really had the time to think about taking it up seriously.

It wasn't until I bought myself a new camera with a 35x optical zoom (148x digital) that I began finding myself taking loads of pictures of the moon :laugh: . Then on January 2nd, I tried to take some of Jupiter and to my delight I not only captured it and four of its moons, but also what I believe to be Saturn in the same shot. Now I realise that the photo is very amateurish . . . basically specs of light . . . . but I wonder if anyone can confirm whether or not it is Saturn in the same shot?? It was taken on 2/1/13 at around 10.30 ish, looking more or less south from my garden in North warwickshire.

I've tried to upload the photo . . . .


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Thanks everyone :laugh: . . . . . and I do look forward to browsing and learning from this Forum :smile: . . . . and thanks for confirming it couldn't have been Saturn.

The thing that made me think it might have been Saturn was the fact that in the photo, the object above Jupiter and its moons clearly seems to have what appears to be a 'fuzzy ring' around the main object . . . . which made it look very Saturn-like to me.

Does Aldeberan have any rings or dust cloud of any sort, and if not, do you think the image of it in my photo is just an optical artifact?


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Hi again . . . . please would someone be able to answer my question in my 1st response in this thread . . . . and if at all possible provide names for the moons that can be seen around Jupiter?

Many thanks

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