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Second hand astro etiquette


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Once the deal has been agreed what is the normal arrangement for organising transfer of funds and goods when it isn't possible to collect? I have had dealings where I have sent a cheque and the vendor has sent the goods simultaneously, this seems fair and reasonable. However, I am currently involved in a purchase where the vendor seems to expect to have my cheque in the bank before he sends me the goods. I have heard other people have dealings that work this way. I didn't take this up with the vendor because I wasn't sure of normal practice but it seems a little unreasonable, we are both taking a gamble on each others integrity.

Is there an established norm?

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As far as I know (from lots of ebay transactions when they don't accept paypal) the norm is to wait for the cheque to clear before sending anything - the risk is always with the buyer - never the seller...

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That has often been the case when using ebay, but it depends on how much you are spending. Anything over about £100 and I would not be happy to deal that way. What about electronic transfer, that way you have some of the sellers details in case anything goes awry.


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I pulled out of a deal where the seller on ABS didn't take paypal, the amount was £500, and I asked for a split, but that wasn't acceptable (he had other offers which I think clinched it). When I sold my LX10 we did it half before purchase, half after via bank transfer.


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I thought about that Jon but didn't think a seller would want to pass on his account details to a complete stranger. It would certainly speed things up cos it's the delay that really bugs me.

Helen, that sounds very sensible.

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I'd hardly worry about giving my account details away, nothing they can do with it, and if they committed identity fraud on your account,you would be covered by the banks.

What's more worrying, is ppl giving out their card numbers and 3 digit security codes over the phone, or even over online secure websites. That info IS stored somewhere and available.... and who knows for how long or how safe it is kept.

Same at restaurants with your credit cards.

I personally, hate giving out card numbers and codes as this would enable ANY unscrupulous person to use it.

Such is the downside to our cashless society!

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From what I've done in the past it depends on the person.

I bought something a week or two ago from another member of SGL and they insisted on cleared funds before releasing the goods.

Other's have been receipt of cheque.

And buying from one person(who will remain nameless) his solution was to have the goods now and pay when you can... :D

So I think there is no set rule...

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I'm mostly a buyer. People have sent off things as soon as Paypal paid them or as soon as they received the cheque (in one case, they had anounced their intention to wait until cheque cleared but dispatched on receipt regardless). When I sold one item, I dispatched as soon as Paypal confirmed by email.

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When I sell stuff on "E-Bay" I generally make contact with the buyer (through e-bay's e-mail system) to let them know I am trustworthy. Of course if they have paid through PAYPAL and the payment has gone through, I then send the goods off straight away.

If I have bought stuff, again I try to make contact with the seller, to try and guage if they are who they say they are, anf if trustworthy.

So far (touch wood) I have only had a bit of trouble with a camera I was selling through E-Bay.

I did had a couple of "Nigerians" trying to get my bank details (they had stolen another genuine e-bay members "i.d" and were using it to bid on the camera I was selling) by contacting me through this stolen address. I suspected something fishy when I saw the very bad grammer in the English on their e-mails. I contacted e-bay security and they immediately stopped the auction. I had to re-list the item again (and I did find a geunine buyer) and change my e-bay i.d. name.

The Nigerians were e-mailing from a backstreet in the capital "Obote." They wanted me to send my bank details so they could pay a hugely inflated sum of money into my account!

I had heard of this kind of scam on TV so did not take the bait.

There is a name for these people, but it can't be repeated on this forum.

Strangley though, I had a Nigerian for a neighbour a couple of years ago, and he was great - He was an engineer, and used to play chess with me. You can't "tar" everyone with the same brush.



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I used to be an Ebay powerseller and generally sent items as soon as the cheque arrived IF their feedback was good. Otherwise I would wait for it to clear.

I have been dragged through the paypal system a few times. If the buyer says it never turned up and you have no proof it got there they take the buyer's side in every case. Rob is right - always send recorded / special.

I won once when they said I hadn't included everything in the instruction manual (it was a sound card). I wasn't selling everything in the manual (and my listings were always very clear) so won that quite easily.

Over Astro buy and sell it's a bit different as there is no feedback to look at and if you don't know the person it is more of a risk but it does seem the risk is with the buyer as the seller tends to make sure the cheque clears. I took Gaz O'Cs advice when he directed me to look at the archived sales. The chap that sold me the Sphinx had so many that he probably would have been banned by now had he been a scammer.

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I have used Paypal for eBay without any problems.... until I got a bill for £300 for something I didn't buy. Whilst I think we pay Paypal too much, they werer very efficient at fixing the problem and all was put right within a couple of day (thankfully).

Made me a bit wary though :D


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I've sold quite a bit of stuff on Ukastrobuyandsell and other websites. I always wait for the buyer's cheque to clear before sending off the goods (signed for and insured). I immediately let the buyer know when the cheque has arrived, when it's banked (including expected clearance date) and when the goods have been posted.

I've never tried to sell anything >£50 value by this method. Personally, when buying from an individual I don't know, I always have a limit £25 inc. post or I collect it in person. I reckon £25 is about as much I'm prepared to risk. I' haven't never been stung yet, but it may happen one day.

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I usually do the cheque-clearing thing unless I know the person.

I've bought things from one guy who insisted I take them, try them and only pay if I'm happy.

(Trying to find someone with a C14 who'll do that ...........)

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I've only bought a few things and sold even less and thats only been to people I 'know' on here or through others who are known to people on here. As a buyer I'm happy to wait for my cheque to clear before they despatch and consider it a bonus if they despatch before that (as several members here have done so). As a seller I'm happy to ship and wait for the buyer to be satisfied if its someone on here who I've had good dealings with or know, otherwise I'd rather wait until the cheque has cleared. I guess for higher value items I'd be stricter (say over £100)...


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I have always paid before goods were shipped, and received payment before shipping. The one time I didn't do this, and sent the goods on approval, the buyer never paid me. It was a small item, and it was an eleven-year-old. He is still sitting at -1 on the history. I haven't had any problem with sellers, although I am waiting for an overdue shipment at the moment.

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I normally wait for the cheque to clear too before dispaching anything, unless I know that person. I'd feel funny about giving my bank details for a Bank Tranfer too, I know it's common practise in the continent but obviously not in good ol' blighty...


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The norm is to wait for the cheque to clear but i'm pretty trusting and will send the goods on reciept of the cheque. Or with well known SGL members i'll send before the cheque has arrived. Depends on the value though.

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IMO it's either wait for the cheque to be cleared, do a BACS transfer (easy peasy if you use online banking) or get a paypal account, simple as that. It takes seconds to set up a paypal account, millions use it and it's easy to obtain a credit card nowadays unless even if you have a credit problem. In todays world cheque's are old hat and waiting is the price you should be willing to pay for using them. From a sellers point of view, the term 'bounced cheque' is your worst nightmare if your precious bread and butter goods are already bombing down the motorway in a City Link van. :shock:

I'd feel funny about giving my bank details for a Bank Tranfer too, I know it's common practise in the continent but obviously not in good ol' blighty...


There is no risk with giving bank details, it only means they can make deposits whenever they please which is only ever a good thing :D. I have used it on numerous occasions and no charge for a personal current account (unless an international payment).


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If someone bought something from me and paid via paypal then as soon as they make the payment I will send the item as the fund are then in my paypal account.

(As I have just done today)

With cheque I always wait for it to clear unless I know the person really well as sometimes things happen outside of a persons control and the cheque can then bounce.

With direct transfer, as soon as the funds are cleared into my account ( it varie's as cash paid over a bank counter is instantly in my account but an electronic transfer takes a couple of days) then I will send the goods.

I dont think it's reasonable to ask someone who doesnt know you well to trust that your cheque will clear and send the goods straight away.

If your in a hurry for the goods then the fastest method to get money to someone is to pay cash into thier account at a branch of their bank.

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