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Hi To All

And first of all thank you.

I've been lurking and sifting through the forums for a few weeks now, and i've learnt so much. I cant beleive there are so many knowledgeable people all in one place, all willing to help and give advice.

I finally joined the forum this evening, mainly to show my support, and no doubt, to ask many questions.

My name is is Ian, and i live in Harrold, Bedfordshire. I'm fairly new to astronomy, and only purchased my first telescope, a few weeks ago.

I've wanted a telescope since about the age of 10, but never quite got round to getting anything sorted. What with raising a family, and work commitments, it never seemed the right time. Now at the age of 51, and 4 grandchildren later, all the kids have left home, and i found myself in a position, desperately needing a hobby. The night sky and anything to do with how, why, and where we came from has always facinated me.

I started with a nice pair of binoculars, about 15 months ago, and bluffed my way around the sky. I got to grips with most of the major constellations, and found some really amazing sights, and was absolutely bowled over by just what i could actually see through binoculars.

Anyway, i now have a 200p and an EQ5 pro mount, plus loads of extras already, lol. I never knew how many gadgets were available for amateur astronomers, and at the moment, i'm not sure if i prefer looking at the sky or buying all these toys, lol. I guess like most people, i'm not 100% sure if i will ever use some of the gizmos i've bought , but i feel a little more confident, knowing thay are there if i need them.

The scope is great, and i've worked my way through dozens of tutorials, mount set up, balancing, collimating, synscan etc, etc. At some point i would love to maybe try basic astrophotography, but for now i a more than happy just looking up at the sky. Absolutely amazing.

Think i might have over done the intro bit, as some people only post a couple of lines, but its lethal, what a couple of beers and a rainy cloudy night can do to a man!!! LOL.

Take care


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Hi Ian and welcome to the forum. I wouldn't apologise for a long intro as it can make a pleasant change from just a simple one line hello. You say you're not sure if you "prefer looking at the sky or buying all these toys", well cloudy weather has a lot to answer for here for sure and you are not alone in continually falling for the sweet seduction of astro goodies be it another scope, mount and eyepieces etc. Aperture fever is the worst condition of them all and I have to let you know from the start that there is no none cure, although eyepieces can mitigate the symptoms! :grin: Congratulations on your setup by the way and you are certainly going to notice the improved view compared to those offered by your binoculars - though a nice wide view down the length of the milkyway is always a treat.

Clear skies for now and enjoy the forum!


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Welcome to SGL from another grandfather with a liking for stars and astro kit. Once you start taking photographs there's no end to how much stuff you can buy. (If my wife reads this I suspect there will be an end to how much stuff I can buy!)

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